Peaden Air Conditioning, Plumbing & Electrical Blog: Archive for the ‘Drain and Sewer’ Category

What’s Clogging My Drain? A Guide to Common Obstructions

Monday, June 17th, 2024

If we surveyed a hundred homeowners about the most common and irritating problem they encounter with their plumbing, we imagine that 80% would say “clogged or slow drains.” Everyone has run into this plumbing nuisance at one time or another, and there’s no single method to effectively unclog any blocked drain. Often, it takes professionals using equipment like drain cameras and hydro-jetters to open up an obstructed drain.

What is currently clogging up your drain? You might have an idea, but below we’ll list the most common types of drain obstructions so you’ll know what you’re facing.

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Clogged Drain? Here’s What NOT to DO!

Monday, June 3rd, 2024

Clogged or slow drains are probably the most common type of plumbing issue you might run into at home. Unfortunately, many people use the worst possible method to get rid of clogs: store-bought chemical drain cleaners. 

Why is it a mistake to use these drain cleaners? We’ll look into this below—as well as give you the best advice on good ways to handle drain cleaning in Panama City, FL to get rid of a clogged drain.

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