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Low Airflow From the AC: Possible Causes, Potential Cures


A common problem that homeowners run into during the summer when they’re using central ACs to cool their homes is low airflow coming from the vents. In some ways, it’s similar to having low water pressure. Sure, you’re getting cool air, but it’s not coming out in a way that’s much help to you. That low airflow means a hotter home and an AC working more than necessary and raising your bills. 

We’re experts when it comes to air conditioning in Tallahassee, and in this blog post we’re going to examine why low airflow might happen and the best way to get the problem solved.

Common Causes 

Clogged Air Filters

Air filters are designed to trap dust, dirt, and other particles, preventing them from entering your HVAC system. Over time, these filters will become clogged, restricting airflow. Regularly replacing or cleaning air filters is a simple yet effective way to maintain proper airflow and ensure your system runs smoothly.

Blocked or Leaky Ducts

If your ducts are blocked by debris, dust, or even pests, the airflow can be significantly reduced. Additionally, leaks in the ductwork can cause cool air to escape before it reaches its intended destination. Inspecting and sealing your ductwork can help restore proper airflow and improve the efficiency of your AC system.

Blower Fan Issues

The blower fan is responsible for circulating air throughout your home. If the fan is malfunctioning, it can lead to reduced airflow. Common issues with blower fans include motor problems, loose or broken belts, and debris buildup. Regular maintenance and timely repairs can help ensure that your blower fan operates efficiently, maintaining proper airflow in your home.

Dirty Condenser Unit

The condenser unit, typically located outside your home, plays a vital role in expelling heat from your AC system. If the condenser unit is dirty or obstructed by debris, it can hinder the heat exchange process, leading to reduced airflow and decreased cooling efficiency. Regularly cleaning and maintaining your condenser unit can help keep your AC system running smoothly.

Potential Cures 

Regular Maintenance

This is more of a prevention step, but it’s important nonetheless. Regular professional maintenance for your AC is one of the best ways to prevent airflow issues. Maintenance can help extend the lifespan of your AC unit, improve its efficiency, and ensure consistent airflow.

Air Filter Replacement

As mentioned earlier, replacing or cleaning your air filters regularly is crucial for maintaining proper airflow. Depending on your usage and the type of filter you have, you should replace or clean your filters every 1–3 months. This simple task can make a significant difference in your AC system’s performance.

Duct Cleaning and Sealing

Having your ductwork professionally cleaned and sealed can help eliminate blockages and prevent air leaks. This not only improves airflow but also enhances indoor air quality. A thorough duct cleaning can remove dust, debris, and allergens, creating a healthier environment for you and your family.

Upgrading the AC 

If your AC unit is old and struggling to maintain proper airflow, it may be time for an upgrade. Modern AC systems are more energy-efficient and designed to provide better airflow and cooling performance. At Peaden, we can help you choose the right system for your home and ensure a professional installation.

At Peaden, we are committed to providing top-notch HVAC services to keep your system running smoothly. Whether you need regular maintenance, repairs, or a system upgrade, our experienced technicians are here to help. 

Call today to discover The Peaden Way: Service Is Our Passion, Safety Is Our Priority, Satisfaction Is Our Promise. 

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