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Hot Spots in the House: What They Mean for the AC


The greatest benefit of having a central air conditioning system for your home is that you receive cooling in all the rooms connected to the ductwork. If you have the right AC and ductwork in good condition, you can expect an even spread of cooling around the rooms. There may be a few fluctuations, such as in rooms that get more sun exposure, but overall the comfort level should be equal.

But if you start to notice hot spots around the house where there weren’t any before—it could mean something is wrong with the air conditioner or another part of the HVAC system, like the thermostat or the ductwork. We’re going to look at what those hot spots might mean for your HVAC in Crestview.

Faulty Thermostat

Your thermostat is the main control for your air conditioning system, so when it malfunctions, it can result in uneven cooling throughout your home. A faulty thermostat might fail to properly communicate with the AC, causing certain areas to receive less cooling while others are over-cooled.

This can result in those hot spots you’ve noticed. If you suspect your thermostat is the issue, a quick check to see if it’s reading temperatures accurately or if it’s placed in a poor location can help. Otherwise, professional thermostat repairs or replacements might be necessary.

Dirty Air Filter

One of the most common causes of uneven cooling is a dirty air filter. A clogged filter reduces airflow throughout the system, making it harder for your AC to effectively distribute cool air to every room. When airflow is restricted, certain rooms or areas may not receive enough cooling, leading to those frustrating hot spots. Regularly changing your air filter can prevent this issue and keep your system running efficiently.

Short-Cycling AC

Short-cycling is a term for when your air conditioner turns on and off too frequently, never completing a full cooling cycle. This can lead to uneven cooling because the system doesn’t run long enough to distribute cool air evenly. Short-cycling is often a sign of a larger problem, such as an oversized AC unit, a refrigerant leak, or a malfunctioning thermostat. If your AC is short-cycling, it’s important to have a professional technician inspect the system to determine the cause and fix it before it leads to bigger issues.

Leaky Air Ducts

Your ductwork is responsible for delivering cooled air from the AC to the different rooms of your home. If there are leaks or gaps in the ducts, that cooled air can escape before it reaches its intended destination, leading to inconsistent temperatures. Hot spots are a common result of leaky ductwork, as some rooms will receive less cooling while others may still be properly cooled. Sealing or repairing duct leaks can restore even cooling throughout your home.

Aging AC

As air conditioners age, they lose efficiency and cooling power, which can result in uneven cooling. An older AC may struggle to provide consistent cooling, especially during peak summer months, and you’ll likely notice that certain rooms aren’t as cool as they used to be. If your AC is nearing the end of its lifespan (usually around 10–15 years), it may be time to consider upgrading to a newer, more efficient system.

If you’ve noticed hot spots developing in your home, don’t wait until the problem worsens. Call Peaden today to have our expert technicians assess your AC and resolve any issues.

Call today to discover The Peaden Way: Service Is Our Passion, Safety Is Our Priority, Satisfaction Is Our Promise.

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