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AC Refrigerant Leaks: Here’s What You Need to Know


The refrigerant that circulates through your AC system is an essential part of how it runs. This chemical blend is the heat exchange medium that allows the AC to pull heat from inside your house and release it outdoors. The refrigerant changes from liquid to gas as it does this, but it never dissipates.

You can expect the same amount of refrigerant to remain in your AC for its full service life–unless the AC develops refrigerant line leaks. Because an AC is designed to run with a specific amount of refrigerant, known as its charge, loss of refrigerant to leaks can lead to serious problems. Refrigerant leaks are a major problem, and you’ll need to call on our professionals for air conditioning repair in Tallahassee, FL.

Let’s take a deeper look at this common AC trouble.

The Dangers of Leaking Refrigerant

Reduced Cooling Ability

When your AC system has a refrigerant leak, the first thing you’ll notice is a drop in its cooling ability. The system relies on a precise amount of refrigerant to absorb heat effectively from your home’s interior. If the refrigerant level drops, so does the system’s ability to cool your home.

Changes in Humidity

An air conditioner removes moisture from the air as it runs, and with insufficient refrigerant, it won’t be able to do this effectively. This leads to higher indoor humidity levels, which can make your living space feel more uncomfortable.

Evaporator Coil Freeze

Refrigerant leaks can cause the evaporator coils to get too cold, leading to ice formation on the coil itself. This might seem counterintuitive when the system is undercharged, but the reduced refrigerant levels will remain colder than normal, leading to freeze.

Burnt-Out Compressor

The compressor is the heart of your AC system, pumping refrigerant through the circuit. It’s designed to work with a specific refrigerant volume. A low charge due to leaks causes the compressor to overwork and overheat—and that often means the whole AC must be replaced.

Signs of Refrigerant Leaks

  • Hissing Sounds: A telltale sign of a refrigerant leak is a hissing or bubbling noise coming from your AC unit. This sound is created by refrigerant gas escaping through cracks or holes.
  • Higher Energy Costs: If your energy bills are rising and you don’t know why, a refrigerant leak might be the culprit. An inefficient system has to run longer to achieve the same level of cooling, consuming more electricity.
  • Ice on the Evaporator Coil: As mentioned earlier, low refrigerant levels can cause the evaporator coil to freeze, leading to visible ice accumulation. This ice can cause further damage to the system if not fixed soon.
  • Uneven Cooling: If some rooms in your home are too warm while others are cool, it might suggest a refrigerant leak. The cooling overall may be simply inadequate.
  • AC Runs Too Long: An AC unit with a refrigerant leak will struggle to reach the set temperature, causing it to run longer than usual. This not only affects your comfort but also puts unnecessary strain on the system

Always Look to Professionals

Addressing a refrigerant leak is not a DIY job. Locating leaks, sealing them, and then accurately restoring the refrigerant to its correct charge requires professional skills and tools. You can trust our Peaden Pros to ensure that this job is done right. Your full satisfaction is our goal and our promise.

Call today to discover The Peaden Way: Service Is Our Passion, Safety Is Our Priority, Satisfaction Is Our Promise.

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