Peaden Air Conditioning, Plumbing & Electrical Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Thermostats’

Could the Thermostat Be Behind Your AC Troubles?

Monday, August 26th, 2024

The thermostat is a device people often take for granted in their homes. You make adjustments to it when your cooling needs change in the summer, but if it’s programmable you may simply set it and forget it. There’s nothing wrong with that: it’s one of the benefits of having a programmable thermostat in the first place. 

Overlooking the thermostat can be a problem if the thermostat is responsible for a malfunctioning air conditioning system. When you’ve got a faulty AC that’s not turning on, turns on and off too often, runs for too long, or fails to keep the house as cool as you want it, you may need AC repair that specifically targets the thermostat—or even replaces it.

How can a faulty thermostat create AC problems? Follow along below and we’ll explain.

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Understanding Your Thermostat and the Best Settings for Summer

Monday, May 20th, 2024

We’re going to look over some air conditioning basics in this post, but often the basics are what people need to hear the most. When you have a malfunctioning air conditioning system, all you really need to remember is to call our professionals for air conditioning repair in Tallahassee, FL. We take care of all the complicated work to ensure your AC is back in working order. 

But when it comes to something basic like setting your thermostat, you might be making mistakes that cost you in both comfort and energy. We’re here to help you better understand your thermostat and how to set it to maximize both your cooling and your energy savings this summer.

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