Peaden Air Conditioning, Plumbing & Electrical Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Plumbing Repair’

Top Reasons to Only Hire Professional Plumbers

Monday, August 26th, 2024

We know it’s tempting to try to tackle a plumbing problem in your home as a DIY project. Maybe you can save a few dollars that way. Or you can hire a handyman to do the job, somebody who comes cheaper than hiring professional plumbers in Fort Walton Beach

Please don’t do either! Non-professional “plumbers” (including you!) will end up costing you a lot more than you would ever save. There are numerous reasons to only hire licensed professional plumbers, and we’ll highlight the top ones below.

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Look (and Listen) for the Warnings of Hidden Leaks

Monday, August 12th, 2024

Hidden leaks can turn into a genuine nightmare for a homeowner. Unlike visible plumbing issues, these leaks can quietly cause significant damage over time, leading to costly repairs and even health hazards. 

In this post, our Peaden Pros will guide you through the warning signs that may indicate hidden leaks in your home. If you do suspect you’ve got a leaky house, do not hesitate to call our plumbers in Pace for fast and effective repairs.

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How to Tell Your Home Has Slab Leaks

Monday, June 3rd, 2024

Slab leaks are one of the most challenging and potentially damaging plumbing problems you can face as a homeowner. These leaks happen under the concrete foundation of a home, and that makes them difficult to repair—or even locate—unless you’re a plumbing professional. 

The most important thing you need to know about slab leaks as a homeowner is how to tell that you have one in the first place so you can call for our professionals to handle slab leak repair in Fort Walton Beach, FL. Below, we’ve put together a list of the more common warning signs of slab leaks. Don’t sleep on these! You want to take action soon if there’s a possibility of one of these leaks under your home.

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