Peaden Air Conditioning, Plumbing & Electrical Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Panama City’

The Effects of Salty Air on Air Conditioners: What You Need to Know

Monday, August 12th, 2024

Life in Panama City means beaches and ocean breezes. But this environment has some downsides and one of them is the salty air and the corrosive effect it can have on those air conditioning systems that are so vital for keeping you cool through the year. 

As Panama City HVAC pros, we know quite a bit about the effect of salty air on ACs. Today we’re going to give you the vital information you need to protect your home cooling.

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Know the Limits of Your AC

Monday, July 15th, 2024

How much can your AC cool your house? It’s an interesting question, and it’s one you may have asked yourself at some point. The AC has a maximum, of course: you know you can’t get it as cold as the inside of a freezer, and the thermostat has a low-end setting (often around 60°F). But what is the AC truly capable of doing?

The reason we’re addressing this question is more than just to sate people’s curiosity. Understanding the limits of an air conditioning systems’ cooling capacity will help you know how much to rely on it and how much you can push it—and if you should even push it.

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No, Your AC Shouldn’t Be Leaking Water

Monday, July 1st, 2024

If you listen closely to the operation of your air conditioning system, you’ll notice the occasional sound of the dripping and trickling of water. This is normal: it shows your AC’s condensate drainage system is working correctly. 

But just because there’s water dripping inside your AC doesn’t mean that water should ever escape from the air conditioner. If you notice the indoor unit of your central AC is leaking water, something is wrong! Below we’ll look at why this might happen and why you may need the help of our Peaden Pros for AC repair in Panama City.

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Signs You’ve Got a Dying AC Compressor

Monday, June 17th, 2024

The compressor is the heart of the AC, responsible for the circulation of refrigerant that allows the unit to move heat from inside your home and deposit it outside. The powerful and complex device can’t be easily repaired if it fails. When a compressor dies, professionals will need to replace it. Because of the cost of a compressor, it’s usually more cost-effective to replace the entire AC instead.

To help you know when you’ve got a compressor in trouble so you can possibly avoid an early air conditioning replacement in Panama City, FL, we’ll list warning signs to watch for that you’ve got a compressor that’s in trouble.

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How to Tell You Need to Replace Your Electrical Panel

Monday, June 17th, 2024

The electrical panel is the heart of your home’s electrical system. It distributes incoming electricity to various circuits in your home, ensuring that your lights, appliances, and devices receive the power they need to operate.

Over time, an electrical panel in Pensacola, FL will become outdated or even damaged, leading to potential safety hazards and making it less effective. Knowing when to replace your electrical panel is crucial for maintaining a safe and reliable electrical system. Below, we’ll explore the most common signs that it’s time to replace your electrical panel.

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Clogged Drain? Here’s What NOT to DO!

Monday, June 3rd, 2024

Clogged or slow drains are probably the most common type of plumbing issue you might run into at home. Unfortunately, many people use the worst possible method to get rid of clogs: store-bought chemical drain cleaners. 

Why is it a mistake to use these drain cleaners? We’ll look into this below—as well as give you the best advice on good ways to handle drain cleaning in Panama City, FL to get rid of a clogged drain.

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Surge Protection—Why We Recommend the Whole-House Type

Monday, May 20th, 2024

The electronic equipment in your home as well as its electrical system is susceptible to damage from power surges, a.k.a. voltage spikes. You probably know using power strips is necessary for sensitive equipment such as computers. But power strips aren’t enough: the level of power surges we can encounter here in Florida (such as from lightning storms and downed power lines) can inflict severe damage to the electronics and the electrical system in homes unless they have a higher level of protection.

We recommend you work with us to install whole-house surge protection in Panama City, FL. We’ll explain more about these devices and why they’re beneficial.

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Attic Fans Can Make a Big Difference for Your Home

Monday, May 6th, 2024

Fans are an inexpensive way to stay cool. A fan doesn’t lower the temperature in a room, but it does create air currents that help people to feel cooler. The movement of air removes the heat envelope from around a person’s body so they can release more heat and cool down. Basically, fans create wind chill, but you can control it so it only affects you when you want to be chilled.

But then you hear about attic fans and might wonder, “Why would I want to make the attic feel cooler? I hardly go up there.” Attic fans do a different job from the standard fans you might be thinking about, but they have a similar result of a cooler house and lower energy bills. 

We install attic fans in Panama City, FL, and we’d like to take some time today to explain how they work and how they can benefit you (even in winter).

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