Peaden Air Conditioning, Plumbing & Electrical Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Crestview’

Hot Spots in the House: What They Mean for the AC

Monday, September 9th, 2024

The greatest benefit of having a central air conditioning system for your home is that you receive cooling in all the rooms connected to the ductwork. If you have the right AC and ductwork in good condition, you can expect an even spread of cooling around the rooms. There may be a few fluctuations, such as in rooms that get more sun exposure, but overall the comfort level should be equal.

But if you start to notice hot spots around the house where there weren’t any before—it could mean something is wrong with the air conditioner or another part of the HVAC system, like the thermostat or the ductwork. We’re going to look at what those hot spots might mean for your HVAC in Crestview.

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