Why Is My Air Conditioner Blowing Hot Air?

July 10th, 2016


You might not notice right away when your air conditioner isn’t performing as it should be, but as soon as it starts blowing out hot air, it can disrupt your lifestyle and create an uncomfortable atmosphere. However, that still makes you wonder, why is my air conditioner blowing hot air? Well, there are many common reasons, as well as a few unique ones, that can be causing this problem. Here are a few of those causes, as well as a few ways to prevent this from happening in the future.

Common Causes for Air Conditioner Blowing Hot Air 

Many people don’t realize their AC unit isn’t working in prime condition until the hot summer months are upon them. However, that doesn’t mean that you should ignore the problem and just push through until the colder weather. Here are a few of the most common reasons for an air conditioning unit that isn’t blowing cold air:

  • The thermostat isn’t working properly or isn’t on the correct setting. In some cases, this can feel like wondering why your toaster isn’t working only to discover it isn’t plugged in. Check to make sure your settings are correct and that you don’t just have the fan on. There may be something a little more technical involved, and you’ll need a pro to diagnose and correct the problem.
  • The airflow is restricted. If you haven’t had your annual maintenance done on your air conditioner in some time, then you may have dirty coils that can restrict air flow. Also, dirty filters can cause this problem because of the build up.
  • The refrigerant is low or leaking. Because refrigerant absorbs heat, when your AC isn’t working properly, you’ll get hot air instead of cool air coming through.
  • No electricity is getting to the outside unit. The inside elements of most air conditioners will continue to push air through even if the outside isn’t getting the electricity it needs. Check for breakers that have been tripped to see if this is the problem.
  • The outside of the unit is dirty or covered with debris. The more buildup you have around your unit, the better the chances are that you’re going to come across a problem in the future, like it blowing hot air instead of cold air.

As we said before, these are just a few of the most common causes. There may be other reasons why your air conditioner is blowing hot air. To get to the root of the problem, call in the professionals to diagnose your problem and get your unit working in prime condition.

How to Prevent Hot Air from Blowing Out of Your AC Unit

The best way to prevent hot air from coming out of your AC unit (as well as many other problems) is to change and clean your filters on a regular basis, as well as keep up the annual service calls from a professional technician. Also, pay attention to the inside and outside of your unit. A little routine care will go a long way!

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AC Service That Saves

June 13th, 2016


For most homeowners, calling an AC service technician can literally cause their hearts to race—not so much from what they will learn about the problem, but mostly because of what fixing the problem will cost. There is often a way to avoid that fear and that pain in the wallet. You can save some serious money by using the AC service of an air conditioning professional. It’s a good idea to schedule a yearly inspection on your air conditioning system and make sure the appointment takes place well before the temperatures begin to heat up.

A professional AC service technician will run a series of tests to determine the state of your air conditioning system. Diagnostics will be run on the motor’s voltage and amp draw, along with checking the level of the refrigerant charge. The technician will also take care of maintenance tasks during the same appointment. He or she will clean the motor’s blower, as well as the motor itself. After checking the evaporator coil for cracks, the tech will clean the coil as well.

Other maintenance tasks that will be completed in an AC service call include fixing loose wires or corroded electrical connections. If you have debris or particulate matter in your drain system, this is the time of year to do a thorough cleaning on the drainpipes, ensuring good water drainage when the heat hits. Ensuring that the thermostat is operating properly, checking the belts, and replacing the air filters are other maintenance jobs that are commonly performed on a regular basis. Consistent AC service maintenance can go a long way toward increasing the life spam of your air conditioning system and its components. So, in addition to being more cost efficient, a healthy air conditioning system is much more energy efficient as well.

Service That Saves Your System

Problems can still occur, even with the best and most painstaking maintenance. Just like with cars, as air conditioners age, things wear out. It’s one of those inevitable truths of life. The older an air conditioner is, the more likely it is that it will experience problems. Here are two of the most common issues that arise that will require you to call an AC service technician immediately—especially if it’s hot outside!

The Unit Doesn’t Run

You turn on the machine and…nothing. The unit has not started. There are several reasons this could be happening, but it’s always smart to check the most obvious reason first, right?

In this case, that means it’s time to make sure the machine is plugged in. If it’s plugged in, make sure the line wasn’t tripped and the fuse isn’t blown. If none of those simple fixes work, reset the thermostat to a setting 5 degrees cooler than normal. If that doesn’t work, pick up the phone and call Peaden.

Warm Air Conditioning

Sometimes the air conditioner will seem to run well but there’s no cool air emerging—only warm air.  When this happens, check the thermostat first.  Then check the condenser. Make sure it is clean and not blocked by debris.

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5 Signs You May Need an AC Repair

May 31st, 2016


Nothing beats the cool air of an air conditioning unit. Often, the only time you notice when AC repair is needed is when the system stops working completely. Then, you’re at the mercy of seasonal high temperatures and sometimes unbearable humidity.

Just like any mechanical or electrical system, your AC unit won’t go on forever, and sometimes a part just comes to the end of its natural life. Alternatively, if you neglect your annual servicing, then parts won’t last as long nor will your air conditioning unit work as efficiently.

Your air conditioning unit may not have given up completely, it may not be working well or not cooling properly. Either way you’re going to need an AC professional when things go wrong.

Do You Need an AC Repair Professional?

When it comes to AC repair, there are a number of indicators things have gone wrong or what may be the cause, and if there is anything you can do before you call out the professionals.

  1. Your air conditioner isn’t working. If your air conditioning unit has given up completely, check the thermostat and make sure your fuses haven’t blown or your breaker hasn’t tripped.
  1. No cool air is coming from the vents. Again, check your thermostat. If the temperature is equal to or above the temperature of the room, then your unit is obviously not going to have the effect of cooling the air.
  1. Your air conditioner is making an unusual noise. It is possible a part needs replacing, and there is little you can do if you aren’t qualified. Make the call to an AC repair professional.
  1. Your unit is turning on and off on a regular basis. It’s part of the function of air conditioning that it turns off when the air cools to the correct temperature and turns back on again when the temperature rises. If it’s doing so more than it should, then you need to get it checked, as it could be putting stress on parts, which could cause it to fail to work completely.
  1. Water is dripping or leaking from your unit. Condensation is normal. But too much could be an indication of a need for repair. This is especially important as AC units have electrical parts which must be protected from water damage. Don’t ignore unusual levels of moisture coming from your air conditioner and act quickly to get it looked at professionally.

Don’t Ignore the Signs

Things may come to your attention gradually, or they may get worse over time. Don’t ignore the signs an AC repair may be necessary, as postponing a repair means further damage can be caused to your unit. Ignoring problems may be costly in the long run, or uncomfortable as your AC unit will likely become less effective over time and eventually, fail.

Acting quickly is important for safety reasons as well as financial. Consider the damage water could do to the electrical components of the unit for example. The cost of an AC repair when the problems arise will be less expensive in the long run.

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A Guide to the Importance of Regular AC Service

May 18th, 2016


The cost of cooling the air in your home is significant. In some states, it is an essential piece of equipment in the home. It would be impossible to live comfortably in some seasons without air conditioning. Though the cost of servicing your air conditioning unit is an added expense to running the system, it is an essential one. Ignoring the need for AC service can prove expensive, and your unit may become inefficient over time, is more likely to breakdown, or parts will need replacing more regularly than they should. Regular AC service could save you money in the long term.

Can I Do My AC Service Myself?

It is recommended that your service be carried out annually by a qualified AC professional. Annual servicing can keep your AC unit running efficiently and prolong its life.

It is never a good idea to get into the mechanics or the electrical components yourself. However, just like maintaining a car, there are some things you can do periodically to make sure your unit is running efficiently:

  • Replace and clean air filters regularly. Buy good quality filters to make sure they do the job well. A clogged filter makes your unit more expensive to run.
  • Clean debris from the fan, compressor and condenser if you have a split system.
  • Keep bushes away from the outside unit of your air conditioner. Cut them back so they don’t clog up the fan.
  • Prevent your unit’s drain channels from clogging by passing a wire through them.
  • If you have a window air conditioner, make sure the window seals are intact so cool air isn’t escaping through them.
  • Clean the outside condensing unit with a hose and soapy water to reduce corrosion.
  • Flush the condensate drain line with a bleach and water mix to prevent algae growth.

Be careful! If you aren’t confident in what you are doing, you could do more harm than good.

What Does a Service Entail?

The value in annual professional AC service is in the problems it prevents. A professional can recognize parts which are wearing out and need replacing and identify problems that can cause costly damage.

Our AC technicians will do a number of tests to make the parts are working properly, such as clean the condensing unit coils, check the compressor, oil fan motors and make any necessary adjustments to the belts, check operating pressures and temperatures so make sure they meet the manufacturer’s specifications, and check your filter and coolant levels. They will also clean your unit and do everything possible to keep your AC unit running for the future.

A Service Saves You Money

The cost of an AC service can seem like an extra expense you can do without, especially if there is nothing apparently wrong with it. But a professional service will help keep your air conditioning system efficient. It will likely last longer and is much less likely to suffer a major breakdown (though, as with a car, regular servicing can’t prevent some things from going wrong). Increased efficiency means more money in your pocket and less money disappearing into thin air.

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How to Save Yourself the Cost of an Air Conditioning Repair

May 5th, 2016


You cannot avoid occasional repairs to your air conditioning unit. It’s a fact of life that electrical and mechanical equipment will occasionally fail. But you can save on overall costs of running your unit by taking regular steps to improve your energy efficiency.

An air conditioning unit may be a necessity for you. But that doesn’t make the cost of running, servicing and repairing it any easier to bear. You can help prevent the need for an air conditioning repair through annual servicing, and keep running costs down through energy efficient behaviors.

Keeping Running Costs Low

  1. Install and set a programmable thermostat that can help save on heating and cooling costs.
  2. Ceiling fans help increase the comfort temperature of your room by continuously circulating the air. You can comfortably bear a high room temperature if a ceiling fan is helping the flow of air around the room.
  3. Make sure your home is insulated well, as this prevents cool air from escaping into the atmosphere and warmer air, from outside, getting in. Check your attic insulation, and seal any cracks and openings. Insulate and seal ducts, too.
  4. Don’t cool your home with air cooled by your air conditioning and then spend all afternoon cooking with your oven on. Consider using a barbecue or a microwave to cook on a hot day.
  5. You can purchase energy-efficient window coverings that let in natural light but prevent solar heat from penetrating your windows and warming up your home.
  6. Use a bathroom fan when taking a shower or having a bath to help remove heat and humidity from inside your home.

You Can’t Always Prevent Air Conditioning Repair

Older AC units are less energy efficient than newer models. Unfortunately, despite your best efforts, and with regular servicing your unit may have come to the end of its life. Keep in mind: if your air conditioning repair bill is rising and if you need it repaired regularly, if your energy bills are still rising, or if it is not as cool as it should be, then it may be time to buy a new unit.

Always Use Your Air Conditioning Properly

Many people simply don’t use their AC properly, or inefficiently. Often it is behavior which makes running an AC system expensive. Common sense practices and regular servicing will help keep your air conditioning running efficiently and well, and could extend the life of the system, saving you expensive repairs.

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What To Look for When Choosing an AC Repair Company

March 28th, 2016


When looking for the right AC repair service, you undoubtedly want to select the best company that will properly service your air conditioner and give you excellent customer service. The right air conditioning company can ensure your AC system is running smoothly all year round. Here are a few important things to look for when choosing an AC repair company .


When choosing a company for any type of air conditioning repair, it is important to consider their availability. The right company is designed to work around their customers’ schedules, ensuring efficient and timely service, as well as being ready for any possible emergencies.


Making sure the company’s technicians are EPA & HVAC certified increases the likelihood of the following:

  1. Your air conditioning system is up to date.
  2. The AC repair will be done correctly.
  3. The AC system will release any refrigerants the correct and environmentally-friendly way.
  4. The air conditioning system will run at optimal levels all year round.
  5. You get a technician with the right skills and the right experience to diagnose and correct any problems that may need AC repair.

Extended Warranties

A company confident in their abilities will generally offer extended warranties. When a company offers warranties on labor and parts, it demonstrates its confidence in the technicians’ ability to get the work done correctly. Companies that don’t offer any extended warranties may be less confident in their work, which can possibly result in the AC repair being done incorrectly.

Flexibility & Communication

A good company is always flexible with their hours and will be able to explain any details to you that you don’t fully understand. It is always best to ask for estimates, quotes, and work orders if the company does not offer them already. You want to be aware of the work that’s being done and why so that there are no surprises when the final bill is sent.


An excellent air conditioning company will allow you to take your time when making a decision. Particularly if you’re purchasing a new unit or deciding between a replacement and repair, you may need time to go over your finances and consider your options before making a final decision. Some companies want to pressure you into making quick decisions which might not be always the best choice for you. Choosing a company that allows you to think it through is always recommended.


Look for an AC repair company that has a good reputation. So much business comes from referrals, and there’s a big reason behind that. If you can’t get a direct referral for a great AC repair company in your area, check online and look for customer testimonials or reviews. It is essential that the company you choose has established a reputation in the local community for quality service and excellent AC repair work.


Make sure that your air conditioning repair company holds a state licenses. Most states require that air conditioning contractors obtain licensing in order to protect consumers. All air conditioning contractors are required to display their licenses information on their website, advertisements, and trucks. If you are in doubt, you can always ask for the contractor’s license number. Another way to verify licensure is to call the state office where the contractor is doing business.

These are simple guidelines to follow. By choosing the best AC repair company, you’ll get the best in quality service in maintaining your air conditioning system.

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Basic Guide to Maintaining an Air Conditioning System and Avoiding Premature AC Repair

March 17th, 2016


When it comes to owning an air conditioning system in your home, it is similar to maintaining other necessary machinery. Just like cars, ACs need regular maintenance and repairs to take care of minor and major issues. This basic guide will provide you with some tips on getting the most out of your AC and extending the system’s function, all the while helping you avoid premature AC repair.

Bare Necessities to Avoid AC Repair

  1. Change the Filter – In order to get the most out of your air conditioning system, a general rule is to change the filter on a monthly basis. This helps deter any clogs that may occur and decrease the effectiveness of the system. If filter clogging does occur, it will cause the fans to work at below-optimum performance and can also cause overheating. So remember to change those filters once a month. If you haven’t done this in months (or ever), go ahead and change them immediately.
  2. Keep the Area Around the Unit Clean – Because the air conditioning system is design to allow air in effortlessly, it is possible for any debris, grass, and leaves to get sucked into the system. Debris can also collect on the outside of the system and hinder air from entering the system or letting it breathe. Keeping an area of about 6 inches around the unit clean from any type of vegetation will help avoid possible issues. If the area around the outside unit is clear but you’re still having issues with your unit, contact Peaden for an AC repair.
  3. Turn Off Humidifiers – If you have a humidifier, it is very advisable to turn it off while operating the AC. Having the humidifier on will increase the need for more cool air to circulate, requiring your unit to work harder.
  4. Schedule Regular Maintenance – Regularly scheduling professional maintenance will allow AC repair technicians to check up on your system and all of its components. A maintenance tech will do certain things to ensure proper working order, such as making sure there aren’t any clogs, cleaning any coils, and measuring the Freon levels. The technician may point out any minor problems that can be taken care of quickly to help avoid a more costly AC repair in the future.
  5. Be Aware of Irregularities – Irregularities, such as the air conditioning system not maintaining a comfortable temperature or strange noises coming from the unit, may indicate problems that should immediately be addressed by an AC repair specialist. Be aware of how your unit works and sounds normally so that you can catch any irregularities quickly.

Following this very basic guide will help you get the most out of your air conditioning system and help it provide you with optimal cooling whenever you need it. For more information about AC repair and maintenance, or to schedule an appointment with an AC repair specialist, contact Peaden today!

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An AC Repair Prevention Checklist For Your Home

February 6th, 2016


In order to protect your home while also saving money, you’ll have to keep a few prevention checklists around, and AC repair and maintenance is one of them. You can display this on your fridge or next to your calendar, and you can get the entire family involved with the chores that are required to keep your AC unit working in prime condition. Here are a few tasks that you should be doing everything month so that you save money on your energy bill as well as prevent future AC repairs.

Listen to Your Unit

The sounds your air conditioning unit makes will be one of the first signs when you’re in need of a repair. Once a month, listen to your unit from the outside and inside to ensure that everything is running smoothly. If you hear odd pops, hums, clanking, and other strange sounds, then you’ll want to call an AC repair company.

Check Your Thermostat

If you suspect your thermostat isn’t reading temperatures correctly, then it may be time to invest in a new one. You don’t have to get a new unit when you invest in a new thermostat and you’ll find that this is an affordable option for many people that want a more efficient unit. Even if your thermostat isn’t the reason you need an AC repair, talk to a specialist about how a new one with better technology features can benefit you.

Change or Clean Filters

Changing and cleaning filters should be done on monthly basis, and it should always be on the checklist. While most people follow the rule to change filters once a month, if you find that they are extremely clogged, then you might want to change your filter every twenty-five days and see if that is better. To prevent an AC repair, you need to make it easy on your unit when it’s working, and a clean filter will provide that.

Clean the Outside of the Unit

Take care in cleaning the outside of the unit if you want to prevent AC repair. Keep outdoor debris off of it and make sure the unit stays level and doesn’t sink into the ground. If you think you need a new pad for the unit to sit on, seek the advice of an expert. As you start to notice the outside of the heating and air conditioning unit getting dirty in places you can’t clean, you’ll know it’s time to call in the pros for routine services.

Hire an AC Repair Company

Even if you don’t need an AC repair, you should have a professional company to call just in case something does go wrong. This way, you’ll have an expert to call when something goes awry, and they’ll have an understanding of your air conditioning system from the yearly maintenance that is performed. Start the search now for a quality company and put their phone number by your checklist, and you’ll rest easy knowing that you have a plan for your investment.

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Time to Replace Your Air Conditioner?

July 2nd, 2015

Peaden HVAC technician with replacement air conditioner

Replace Your Air Conditioner Before it Costs You More

Besides your air conditioner breaking down unexpectedly, how can you tell if it is time to replace your home’s air conditioning unit? Like any piece of equipment, air conditioners can wear out. When air conditioners become worn they can break down more frequently. As air conditioners age they can struggle to cool your home effectively.  If you find that your energy bills are increasing your A/C unit could be costing you money.

Here are a few signs that you might need a new air conditioning system

  • Your AC unit requires frequent repair- If your air conditioning system is requires regular service calls to stay running, it is a sign that you may need to replace your system. The cost to replace your system could be cheaper than continuing to repair your air conditioner.
  • Increased energy bills- If your energy bills have been increasing, and you are not using more appliances than normal, your air conditioner could be the culprit. Over time air conditioners can become less efficient, which means they use more energy to cool your home.
  • Your home is always humid- Your AC unit makes an impact on the humidity levels in your home, so if you start to notice dampness inside, then this may be a sign that you need an new AC system. Having extra moisture in the air can also leave other areas of your home in need of attention because hardwood can swell and paintings can warp when they are in humid areas.
  • The air conditioner is noisy- A loud air conditioning system could be an indication that your have a mechanical problem. It can also be a sign that your air conditioner is running at its max capacity to cool your home. Either way a loud AC unit is a sign that your air conditioner is in need of replacement.
  • The air conditioning system is more than 10 years old- As air conditioners get to be older than 10 years, some of the major components can become worn and break. The saltwater environment on the beach is very harsh and can accelerate the deterioration of your air conditioning.

If you need help evaluating your system, let Peaden Air Conditioning take care of your home cooling needs. We can dispatch one of our expert NATE certified technicians to evaluate yours system. Our technicians can perform a diagnostic survey on your air conditioning system to determine if you should repair or replace your system. If you determine you would like to replace your air conditioning system, one of our Comfort Consultants can help you find a system that fits your needs and your budget and financing programs are available.

Peaden Air Conditioning Plumbing and Electrical is there for all your home service needs. We install and replace air conditioners in Panama City, Panama City Beach, Destin, Fort Walton Beach, Pensacola, Gulf Shores and all the other great communities in Northwest Florida. Let us show you why we are the “Professionals You Can Trust.”

[cta_button url=”https://www.peaden.com/contact-info/” text=”Schedule AC Replacement” phone=”(855) 557-7878″]

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What is a Heat Pump and How Does it Work?

April 3rd, 2015


What is a Heat Pump and How Does it Work?

When many people hear the phase heat pump they think of a heater. A heat pump is a type of heating and air conditioning system. Heat pump refers to how the mechanism of the system uses a pump to pump refrigerant.


In order to understand how a heat pump works, you must first know the basics principle of refrigerant. Refrigerant is a fluid that has a very low boiling point that can be manipulated by increasing or decreasing the pressure to absorb heat through phase transition. When these refrigerants change from a liquid to a gas it absorbs a lot of energy or heat. All air conditioning systems have heat pumps that use refrigerant. Air conditioning systems use relationship between pressure and temperature to transfer heat. As stated earlier when the refrigerant changes from a liquid state to a gas state it absorbs heat at a high quantity.  Refrigerants have a low boiling point and they are used because they will boil at room temperature. The boiling point can be altered by adjusting the pressure of the refrigerant allow the system to control the evaporation of the refrigerant.

Cooling Mode

When an air conditioning system is in cooling mode the heat pump, located outside, collects cool low pressure refrigerant, from inside the home.  With the refrigerant in a gaseous state, the heat pump then compresses this gaseous refrigerant and pumps into the high pressure side of the system. Because pressure forces the molecules of the refrigerant to get closer together it also causes the temperature of the refrigerant to increase. The hot, high pressure refrigerant gas then travels through a valve known as the reversing valve.  From the reversing valve the hot, high pressure gas travels to the outside coil which functions as a condenser. A fan blows air over the condenser coils cooling the hot high pressure refrigerant. As the gaseous refrigerant cools it condenses back into the liquid state.  Now in the liquid state the refrigerant bypasses the outside expansion valve by means of a one direction valve called a check valve.  The now cooler high pressure liquid refrigerant travels along the liquid line to the indoor unit where it is forced through the second expansion valve. The expansion valve slowly releases the refrigerant through the coils in the air handler.  As the refrigerant is released it decrease in pressure and allows the refrigerant to start evaporating.  As stated earlier as refrigerant evaporates and changes from a liquid to a gas it absorbs heat at a high rate. As the air blows over the coils in the air handler the heat in the air is absorbed by the refrigerant boiling and changing from a liquid to a gas. As air get colder it has to release moisture.  Because of this the air passing over the cold evaporator collects moister which is discarded and provides dehumidification for the home.  The now gaseous refrigerant is then transported back through the lines to the compressor where the process is repeated over and over.

Heating Mode

When the heat pump system is in the heating mode, the reversing valve reverses the direction the refrigerant in the system. Now the coils in the outside portion of the system function as the evaporator and the indoor coil function as the condenser. The cool gaseous refrigerant travels from inside the home and absorbs heat from the air outside air through same coils that were used to condense the refrigerant in the cooling cycle.  The refrigerant is then brought inside as a gas.  The air handler blows are over the coils containing the gaseous refrigerant.  The gaseous refrigerant releases its heat and cools condenses back into a liquid. This release of heat to the air passing over the coils heats the home.  This process continues as long as possible until the evaporator coils outside ice over.  When the heating mode is in use the outside temperatures are typically very low and because the temperature outside is very low the refrigerant must function at much lower temperatures in order to absorb heat. Because the system operates at a low temperature ice begins to build up on the outside of the evaporator coils. In order to combat this heat pumps have a defrost cycle. When the defrost cycle is turned on the heat pump systems functions like it is in cooling mode.  The reversing valve switches the refrigerant path to that of the cooling mode and the indoor heat is picked up by the refrigerant and used to defrost the outside coils on the evaporator.  When defrost mode is activated the outside fan turns off to help melt the ice on the coils. Because heat is now being transferred from inside to outside, a supplementary heat strip in the air handler turns on to supply the house with heat. Within a few minutes the ice melts and the system continues to operate as normal repeating this cycle over and over.

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