Why You Should Always Hire a Professional Electrician

March 12th, 2018


There are a lot of home improvement projects that you can do yourself with a quick online tutorial and a trip to the hardware store. However, when it comes electrical work, you should always bring in the professionals. For starters, an electrician has the training and skills that allows them to complete the project from beginning to end with little to no complications. An electrician can help with a variety of projects, and the best ones are easy to communicate with and will make your experience a positive one. Beyond the reasons listed above, here is why you should always hire a professional electrician.

To Ensure All Safety Precautions Are Followed

One of the most important reasons to hire a professional electrician is to ensure that all of the proper safety precautions are followed. Working with power can be very dangerous when you don’t have a clear understanding of what you’re doing, and one wrong move could put you in the hospital or worse.

By getting the experts involved, you can have peace of mind knowing that each step is carefully calculated. Not only do expert electricians know what to look for when it comes to safety, but they also have the proper tools to alert them to whether or not there is electricity and what the problem may be. Plus, they know where to turn electricity off and on, and what to do when there is a problem like a warped wire.

To Get to the Root of Any Issues

When you don’t hire a professional electrician, you may find that the project or repair is only glossed over, and this can cause issues to occur later. An expert electrician has an in-depth understanding of the inner workings of electrical systems and is trained to resolve issues thoroughly. You can count on them to be straightforward and dedicated to your electrical project no matter the size or complexity because they leave no stone un-turned.

To Get the Job Done Right the First Time

There is nothing like having to get the same problem fixed over and over again. When you hire a professional electrician, you can count on them to get the job done right the first time. They show up prepared and ready to work so that no time is wasted. They have all of the proper tools and diagnostic equipment, as well as common extra parts so that the issue can be resolved right then and there.

To Save Time and Money

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A professional electrician will save you both time and money. When you don’t have all of the proper tools and supplies, you can end up spending quite a bit of money at the hardware store. Beyond that, the multiple trips can end up taking up a lot of time. If you go with someone that isn’t licensed and insured, you may end up paying a professional electrician to correct the errors that were made. When you have a professional electrician in your phone, you can call them at the first sign of trouble.

Don’t waste time or money! Call in a professional for all of your electrical needs.

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Don’t Put Off an AC Repair! Here’s Why.

March 1st, 2018


If you own a home or business, an AC repair is an inevitable part of managing the HVAC system. While each AC repair is unique based on the type of unit you have, the severity of the repair, and other factors, it doesn’t mean that you can ignore some of the signs. Even if your heating and cooling system is hanging on and seems to be working okay minus that one strange sound, don’t put off calling an AC repair technician to take a look, and here are a few reasons why.

It Could End Up Costing More Money Down the Road

Small AC repairs that go unfixed will only lead to bigger troubles down the road. And the larger the repair, the more money it’s going to cost. The worst part is that you can usually prevent major repairs by keeping up with the minor ones. If one component stops working correctly, it causes unnecessary wear and tear on the rest of the motor, and soon you’ll be replacing multiple parts rather than one.

You Won’t Have as Much Control of Temperatures

When your unit is in need of an AC repair, you simply won’t have the same control over temperatures as you would if the unit was working in prime condition. When you don’t have control of temperatures, your comfort levels can be compromised. In extreme weather, this can be dangerous, so make sure you call a technician as soon as you think you may need an AC repair.

Indoor Air Quality Could Be Impacted

The indoor air quality can be affected when your heating and cooling unit isn’t working properly, and this can be difficult for those with breathing issues. It can also be harmful to healthy adults and children, so make sure you’re changing filters, getting yearly maintenance, and keeping up with AC repairs.

Your Energy Bill Could Significantly Go Up

If you’ve noticed that your energy bill has gone up, and it isn’t due to other factors such as a shift in temperatures or having house guests that use extra energy, then you should pay attention to your heating and cooling system. An AC repair may be the culprit and calling a pro in to fix it could correct the issue.

A Premature Installation Could Happen in the Future

The more you put off AC repairs, the sooner you’ll have to get your system completely replaced, and this is an investment that you want to be ready for. If you can increase the lifespan of your unit, you will see significant savings. Air conditioning repairs are just one way to do this.

An AC Repair Is More Affordable Than You Realize

So many people put off AC repairs because they don’t realize that they are affordable. Contact a technician and have them come out and complete an inspection. We’ll be straightforward about the cost and listen to your budget.

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Back to Basics: Signs You Need an AC Repair

February 14th, 2018


Every now and then it’s important to get back to basics when it comes to your heating and cooling unit. Going over the signs that you need an AC repair is always a good thing to do from time to time. Not only does catching AC repairs early help you save money and prevent major repairs, but it keeps your home comfortable and your indoor air quality at good levels. While there are other signs that you need an AC repair, the ones listed below are the most common and the easiest to recognize.

Odd Noises

If you hear odd noises coming from your heating and cooling unit, contact a technician to diagnose the problem. You want to be careful not to try to correct the problem yourself because certain noises will be created by an issue involving the electrical work. To ensure everything is done safely and the unit works properly again, get the pros involved from the start.

No or Low Air Flow

If there is low to now air flow, you definitely have a problem and there are few things that you can do before call the AC repair technician. Make sure all of the vents are opened and they aren’t covered with furniture. Also, check the filter to ensure it isn’t clogged. You should also check your thermostat to ensure that it is reading the temperature correctly. Schedule an appointment with an AC repair company to inspect the unit and repair the problem.

Continual Airflow

In the same vein as no air flow, continual air flow should alert you that you need a repair. You don’t want your unit running all of the time because this will cause components to prematurely break due to the wear and tear. You’ll also have a very large energy bill when this happens.

Frequent AC Repairs

If you have frequent AC repair, then it’s vital that you have a pro come check out your unit. In some cases, the age of your unit will be the cause of frequent repairs and you should start to consider purchasing a new and more efficient HVAC system. In other cases, frequent AC repairs may be caused from an installation that wasn’t performed with precision or repairs that were previously glossed over.

Not Reaching Desired Temperatures

Reaching the desired temperature should not be difficult for your heating and cooling system when you use the best practices. When the unit struggles to reach the temperature you set, get in touch with a technician and perhaps consider a new thermostat that gives you even more control.

Abnormally High Energy Bills

Pay attention to your energy bills if you want to detect AC repairs. While the bill will often be higher at the peak of the season when the temperatures are extreme, it shouldn’t be consistently like that throughout the year. When your system is need of an AC repair, components have to work harder to keep up, and your energy bill will show you this.

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5 Ways to Avoid a Plumbing Repair

February 3rd, 2018


There’s nothing fun about needing a plumbing repair, and that’s why it’s important you take proactive steps to prevent them. While some plumbing repairs can’t be avoided and have more to do with the age of the pipes, whether the installation was done properly, and the materials used, there are some that can be avoided. To help you avoid plumbing repairs and keep your systems working at optimal levels, here are a few tips.

#1: Keep Up with Small Plumbing Repairs

When you notice that your plumbing isn’t flowing like normal or your water bill has noticeably increased, then call a plumber to get to the root of the problem. A simple plumbing repair could easily be the solution. The sooner you catch an issue with plumbing, the better your chances of avoiding a more major repair. When plumbing goes wrong, it can not only cause damage to the pipes and components, but also to the structure around the plumbing.

#2: Know When to DIY and When Not To

There are certain times that you can DIY your plumbing, and that’s one reason every grocery and hardware store has a plumbing section. However, if you want to avoid plumbing repairs, then you’ll need to know your limitations. Professional plumbers are trained to identify the root of the problem and not just slap a band aid on the area that’s leaking. When a plumbing repair isn’t completed correctly, then a plumbing emergency can happen.

#3: Keep Up with At-Home Maintenance to Prevent Burst Pipes

The cold weather can cause a lot of plumbing problems in the home, so it’s important to stay ahead of it. Take care of at-home maintenance like disconnecting the water hose, keeping cabinets open that have pipes underneath them to let warmer air circulate and have a steady drip on when the temperatures drop below freezing.

#4: Have Routine Water Heater Service

Make sure you are calling a plumber to inspect and perform maintenance services for your water heater and plumbing. They’ll detect any issues that could be a problem in the future and correct them, and they’ll make sure that everything is cleaned and working properly. If you’ve just moved into a home or are planning to buy one, you should have a plumbing technician inspect everything to ensure it is in prime condition. By taking advantage of plumbing maintenance service once a year, you’ll prevent countless plumbing repairs and save time and money.

#5: Know the Signs That You Need a Plumbing Repair

It’s important to know the signs that you need a plumbing repair and keep these in the back of your mind. Refresh yourself from time to time, and get the whole family involved. Not being able to reach water temperature, problems flushing the toilet, low water pressure, water that is discolored, and other signs will alert you to call the plumber. When something seems off, it’s better to bring in the experts to get the issue resolved before it becomes a plumbing emergency.

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What You Can Do to Prevent Heater Repair

January 27th, 2018


When the weather turns cold, you want the indoor temperatures to be comfortable and safe. The best way to achieve this without any hiccups is to prevent a heater repair. While there are a few different ways you can do this, it’s important that you get the experts involved for a majority of the services. Of course, there are a few things you can do at home on your own. To help you get started, here are a few steps you can take to prevent heater repair.

Get a Tune-Up

Getting an annual tune-up is one of the best ways to prevent heater repair and keep your unit running in prime condition. Plus, it increases the lifespan of your heater because you’ll have fewer breakdowns and each element of the complex system will be working at optimal levels. Tune-ups don’t take a lot of time and they are an affordable way to keep more expensive heater repairs away.

Practice At-Home Maintenance

Of course, you should also practice at-home maintenance such as changing and cleaning filters, keeping the proper amount of insulation in the home for more efficiency, and practice smart temperature settings. Speak with a heater repair specialist about the best methods for at-home maintenance and make sure you get everyone involved so nothing is overlooked or forgotten.

Learn the Signs of Heater Repair

Knowing the signs of heater repair is the first step to being able to identify when it’s time to call in the pros. Make sure when you notice odd noises or smell, low to no air flow, cold air coming out of vents versus the set temperature, and other signs that you bring in the experts. Speak with a technician about the signs you need a heater repair if you aren’t sure, and ask about what you can expect from your particular model of unit. Because heaters are different based on your home and preferences, you’ll need to learn the signs based on the model you have installed.

Hire a Reputable Company for All Heater Services

To prevent future heater repairs, make sure you have a reputable company for all of your heating and cooling needs. Amateurs often gloss over the issue and repair only part of the problem, leaving you with a heater repair that is going to demand attention in the near future. Reputable companies get the problem fixed completely and correctly the first time.

Call for Minor Heater Repairs

One way to prevent heater repairs from continually occurring is to call for minor fixes. Even if it seems to be a small annoyance to you, in the future the heater repair could end up being a major fix and a possible emergency. Get a technician involved when you notice something isn’t right and have them come out to check your home for efficiency. Trust that the more you pay attention to your heater and take care of it, the longer it will last and the more money you’ll save.

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How to Find an AC Repair Solution

January 16th, 2018


Heating and cooling systems are designed to be convenient and lasting, and this is a great feature. However, this can also cause you to ignore your system until an AC repair presents itself, and then you may be stuck trying to figure out what company to call to help get you back on track. Because there is so much information out there, it can be easy to get lost in what qualities to look for. If you’re looking for an AC repair solution, here are a few tips to get you moving in the right direction.

Search for a Reputable Company

Start your search by finding a company that has a positive reputation within the community. The best AC repair companies are going to have favorable reviews and a professional website that gives you detailed information about their experience and what your next steps should be to reach them. Don’t just hire the first person you meet in a hardware store near the filter section. Make sure you are selective and that you bring in an AC repair technician that you trust and who will respect you and your home.

Make Sure the AC Repair Company Is Local

Find an AC repair company that works in your local area. Sometimes when storms come through causing multiple units to go out, you’ll find people travel long distances to perform home improvements and repairs. They’ll often be quick to get the job done, collect the check, and then they’ll be out of town. If the unit ends up failing again, it is almost impossible to find them to correct their mistakes. A local company is thorough and will treat your home with respect, both now and several months and years down the road.

Ask the Technician Questions

Don’t hesitate to ask the AC repair technicians questions about what you can expect. Reputable companies will be more than happy to resolve the issues for you and address your questions with clarity. The more information you have, the more confident you’ll be about the lasting repairs. You’ll also get straightforward information about pricing and time frames.

Don’t Overlook the Signs of AC Repair

When you’re searching for an AC repair technician, don’t overlook the signs that you need the repair and push the call to the bottom of your list. Get a quality technician involved as soon as possible to ensure a minor repair isn’t turned into a major one. If you aren’t sure what the problem is, have someone come out and perform a diagnosis and provide you with an estimate.

Find Out if the Company Is Licensed and Insured

Make sure you go with an AC repair company that is licensed and insured. This not only protects them, but it protects you and your home. Reputable companies will gladly provide any information like this for you because they know it’s important to you. Be mindful when selecting an AC repair company, and once you find the one for you, make sure you involve them in annual maintenance and all future heating and cooling needs. 

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January 5th, 2018

Peaden Air Conditioning, Plumbing and Electrical wants to make sure you are always happy with our work and service, as well as recommend…

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When Is the Best Time to Call for AC Repair & Maintenance?

December 10th, 2017


If you’ve ever had an AC repair before or you have had to replace an entire system, then you know that you need those routine AC maintenance calls to keep your unit working as it should. But even if you know the importance of these preventative services, you may not really know when the best time is to make that call. Here we provide a few of the best times for you to pick up the phone and schedule a service call.

Before Peak Temperatures Arrive

If your system is working in good condition and you haven’t had any AC repairs in some time or ever, you have a little more flexibility in your schedule than someone with a unit that isn’t working well. Often, you will find that scheduling services for HVAC systems is best done before the hottest and coldest parts of the season so that you are prepared and proactive in case something is on the fritz or needs a little extra attention.

The Same Time Every Year

If you like to keep a tidy schedule, then you can keep the yearly maintenance to prevent AC repairs and replacements around the same time every year. This way, you won’t have to worry about it coming around and forgetting about, and you will know that you are covered for all services that keep your unit working properly.

The Moment You Notice That the Unit Is Not Working Properly

As soon as you notice that your HVAC system isn’t cooling as well as it should, make sure you call to get a diagnosis. You may find that the issue only requires a minor AC repair or that you just need a simple service done such as cleaning coils. Some people will just push through the uncomfortable indoor temperatures or deal with a unit that is loud or freezes up, but the sooner you take care of the problem, you will find that the less expensive and severe it is.

Before or After You Buy a House

If you are buying or have just bought a house, then you will want to bring in the experts to ensure that you have a unit that is working the way it should and that it was installed correctly. While you will have a home inspector look at these areas, many of them will not have the in-depth knowledge that a heating and cooling technician can provide, so it will be beneficial for you to have an experienced AC repair technician check out the unit as well.

When the Unit Is Over a Decade Old

If your heating and cooling unit is over a decade old and you haven’t had a service call performed by a professional technician, then it is time to have someone take a look and perform some deeper maintenance than what you do yourself. While you should be changing filters and keeping up with other tasks like this, a technician will be able to get into the system and replace worn out parts and deep clean areas like coils, and this can make a significant difference in how well your unit runs and how many AC repairs you prevent.

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The Benefits of an Energy Savings Plan

November 30th, 2017


Preventing AC repairs and saving money is always a plus, and when it comes to your air conditioner, there is a simple solution that doesn’t take a lot of time or effort on your part. The Energy Savings Plan is an excellent way the team here can provide you with significant benefits when you own an AC system. Here are just some of the advantages that you will enjoy, and trust that you will discover more on your own when you sign up for our Energy Savings Plan.

Fewer AC Repairs

Because your unit will be taken care of by professionals on a routine basis, the first benefit you will notice is that you are not going to be calling in technicians for as many AC repairs. With the proper maintenance being applied, the individual components will all be able to withstand the natural elements better and this will keep everything functioning as it should.

Longer Lifespan

When you enlist in the Energy Savings Plan, your heating and cooling system will have a longer lifespan. Preventative maintenance can save you thousands on having to replace your system prematurely, and it will also keep those major repairs away as long as possible. Even if you perform maintenance on your own like filter changes and temperature control practices, you will want the experts involved for the yearly servicing.

Convenient Scheduling

When an AC repair does demand the attention of experts, you will find the Energy Savings Plan will help you out because you get a discount on labor and parts as well as priority service. If you have a busy life, this convenience can make your day run smoother and your home stay at comfortable temperatures. The technicians are quick to respond, and the Energy Savings Plan is transferable, so if you decide to sell your home, you will be able to give new owners peace of mind when they use the heating and cooling system.

Savings on Your Energy Bill

One of the best parts about the plan is that you will save money on your energy bill because the energy consumption will be lowered, and you will see this on your energy bill. You can then use those savings on other parts of your house or put them in a savings account for a rainy day. Whatever you decide, by keeping the experts involved, you will have a heating and cooling system that runs efficiently and costs you less.

Access to Multiple AC Repair Services

There are multiple AC repair and maintenance services on the plan that you will have access to at an affordable price. From cleaning and inspections for equipment (such as heat exchangers and air filters), to equipment replacements and safety control tests, you will get the services you need completed by professionals. If you want to make the most of your system, prevent AC repairs, and keep your home comfortable, then contact us to learn more about the Energy Savings Plan today.

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Prevent Premature AC Repairs and Replacements with These 5 Tips

November 10th, 2017


We are all seeking ways to prevent AC repairs, and even more of an investment, AC replacements. There are a lot of tips out there that can help enhance the longevity of your unit and keep it working in optimal condition on the hottest days of the summer. Here are 5 tips to take control of your HVAC unit and prevent those premature repairs and replacements.

Invest in New Windows

While windows save us money in a lot of ways, such as allowing natural light to brighten a room and adding to the beauty of our space, when they are not in good shape, they can wreak havoc on our AC unit. They let the hot sun in and the cooling system has to work harder to compete with it. When your unit is trying to keep up with the outdoor temperatures, you want to make it as easy as possible to prevent wear and tear that simply causes components to reach their lifespan. If your windows are older, not insulated, or have gaps around the seams, consider investing in new windows to help your AC unit.

Check the Attic Space

If you want to prevent premature AC repairs, then check to ensure the attic is properly insulated because you could have air creeping in and out making your unit work harder than it should. You can ask the HVAC specialists to give your home a walk through and show you the different areas that air can seep in out and of so that you can take care of these areas.

Have Rules About Setting the Thermostat

The thermostat can create a battle between people that live together, whether you have roommates or a family that all likes sleeping and living at different temperatures. Constantly changing temperatures and adjusting them to a lower number than the unit can handle will cause issues down the road. Have rules about how many degrees the temperature can be set inside based on the external heat, and consider investing in a thermostat that can be checked by the head of the household remotely.

Keep Up with ALL of the Maintenance

Make sure you keep up with the maintenance that comes with owning a powerful piece of equipment like an air conditioning unit, including changing the filters and cleaning debris around the outside unit. You should also be getting professional routine maintenance every year for cleaning, maintenance, and preventive services.

Seal Cracks Around Doors

Just like with windows and the attic, you will want to seal up all of the cracks around doors. While it would be wonderful to invest in new windows and doors if yours are drafty, if this isn’t an option for you, then you can get products at home improvement stores that will help seal those areas so that you can enjoy all of the benefits of preventing premature AC repairs. Take the time to keep up with a few simple tips, and your AC unit will last longer and be more efficient.

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