5 Steps to Take Before You Get a Heater Repair

November 22nd, 2016


There are times when you absolutely know that you need a heater repair, and then there are other times when you are left scratching your head wondering if something else may be the culprit. If you have a relatively new unit or have never had a problem with your current system, and the issue is one that you aren’t familiar with, then there are a few steps you can take before calling in the experts. Here are five steps to take before you call for a heater repair.

#1: Change the Filters

Even if you change the filters on a regular basis and they aren’t due for to be replaced or cleaned for a couple of weeks, when your heating system isn’t working, then this should be the first place you look. Filters that are clogged and dirty can prevent air flow, leading you to believe that your unit needs a repair. When you have heavier foot traffic in your home than normal due to visitors, pet sitting for a friend, or you’ve been deep cleaning, you may discover that your filter will have to be changed more frequently because of the extra dirt and dander.

#2: Look to the Thermostat

While you may think that your heater needs to be repaired, the true issue could actually be someone living or working in your space is changing the thermostat on you. Before you assume the unit is broken, pay attention to the setting on the thermostat and see if it has been adjusted. Also, if you think the problem is your thermostat not registering correctly, you can get a stand alone one so that you have two ways to read the temp inside the home.

#3: Check the Electric

When you have blown fuse or a tripped breaker, most heaters will stop working, often being the reason for the sudden disruption. If turning on the breaker doesn’t correct the problem, be sure to bring in the professionals to handle the job because you don’t want to cause more damage or injure yourself when dealing with heater repairs or electrical problems.

#4: Find a Reliable Heater Repair Company

If you’ve tried everything listed above and your system is still not working, then it’s time to call in a reliable heating company to handle the job. Be sure that you’re selective about the company that you choose, because you want someone that is licensed and insured. You also want someone that shows up on time and with equipment necessary to get the job done.

#5: Gather Information

Once you’ve called in the pros, take the time to learn more about your particular heating system so you’ll have questions ready for when they arrive. The more you understand about the brand, age, and features of your unit, the more prepared you’ll be for times like these when you think you need a heater repair, but just aren’t sure.

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Four Ways To Prevent Toilet Repair

November 11th, 2016


Toilet repairs are necessary from time to time for both commercial and residential property owners, and it can wreak havoc on your day when you have to wait to get the situation resolved. Depending on how severe it is, it can cause you to close your workspace or rely on public restrooms until the situation is resolved. However, there are a few ways to prevent emergency toilet repairs, as well as the minor ones by staying proactive. Here we list just a few of the things you can do to prevent toilet repair.

#1: Only DIY When You Know What You’re Doing

Almost all homeowners, at one time or another, have tried to repair their own toilet and correct a plumbing issue. And this is okay because there are certain elements that most people can DIY when it comes to toilet repair. However, it’s important that you only repair a toilet when you know what you’re doing and that you understand the elements you’re working with. You don’t want to make the problem worse (and more expensive) by attempting to fix an issue that was a little over your head.

#2: Call in the Pros When You Notice a Leak

If you notice a continual leak, then don’t just put a towel under it and let it sit, or turn off the water unless you’re using the toilet. Call in the pros because a leak can be an affordable repair when it’s dealt with promptly. Plus, you’ll prevent an emergency from occurring when you ignore problems like this. In some cases, you may hear the leak and not see it because it is behind a wall or under your home. Look to your energy bill to see if you notice a rise in cost because an unnoticed leak can be the culprit.

#3: Pay Attention to Your Toilet

When you know how your toilet performs in prime condition, you’ll notice the signs that it’s starting to age and needs attention sooner than if you ignore this part of your home. Toilets age just like other aspects of your home and will need updates from time to time. If you see that elements are rusting, then often you can repair them yourself. However, when you start to notice that water flow is poor, or that your toilet doesn’t fill or flush all the way, you need to get an expert involved.

#4: Choose the Best Toilet Repair Company

There are some people that claim to be a handyman that can fix everything from your roof to your plumbing to your flooring, and then some. However, you want to be sure you go with a licensed, insured and certified technician from a reputable company when it comes to plumbing and toilet repair. Preventing future toilet repairs means having quality repairs in the past, and the plumber you choose will have an impact on how well your bathroom performs.

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Plumbing: 5 Times To Call In The Pros

November 1st, 2016


There are times when you can handle a home improvement project that includes plumbing, and then there are times when you need to call in the pros. It can be tough to decide where that line is because you want to save money, but you also want to ensure that the project is completed with quality materials and durable plumbing. And sometimes a professional plumber is the only one that can guarantee that. Here are five times when you need to call in an experienced plumber to get the job done right.

#1: Remodels or New Additions

If you’re remodeling a bathroom or kitchen, or are adding an addition to your home that will require running water, then you need to call in the experts. Plumbing will get a little more complicated and detailed during large home improvement projects, and having someone on your side that has the training and skills will help keep everything moving on schedule.

#2: Plumbing Repairs Beyond Your Scope of Knowledge

If you find yourself questioning each step you’re taking when repairing your plumbing, then get the pros involved. Plumbing repairs that are beyond your scope of knowledge should always be left to people that are certified in the industry. Each person will have their own depth of knowledge when it comes to plumbing, so be mindful that you don’t overestimate your abilities. Plus, calling in the experts will give you your weekend back and take a chore off of your honey-do list!

#3: Plumbing Projects Outside Your Home

When you have external plumbing issues that you need to get resolved, then it can take more than a quick online tutorial to get the job done right. If you have to dig up your yard or get to an external pipe in your crawl space, the professionals will need to be involved. They have the proper equipment and techniques to ensure that the job gets handled and repaired correctly, and they have a better understanding of how the different elements of plumbing work together.

#4: You Notice the Signs of a Leak

Leaks can be tricky, and even if you believe that you’ve fixed one or you think it’s natural condensation, you may notice that your water bill is still on the rise. Plumbing leaks can happen in areas that you don’t see or notice, but they can have a negative impact on water costs and water flow. Take the time to look under sinks and turn everything noisy off in your home so that you can listen to your plumbing to see if it sounds normal. Don’t wait on this one – dangerous mold can form as a result of an ignored leak.

#5: You Need Large Water Connections Shut Off

If you need a large water connection turned off for any reason, it needs to be done by a plumber that understands the pipes and how they should be handled. You don’t want to attempt this yourself if you don’t have an in-depth understanding of the lines that should be turned off because it could result in burst pipes – and that can get very expensive. Take the time to call in a plumbing expert and your next project will run much smoother.

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How To Save Money On Your Next AC Repair

October 21st, 2016


Saving money is at the top of everyone’s list these days, and when it comes to AC repair, it can seem that we’re never prepared for the bill. However, there are ways that you can save those precious dollars on your next air conditioning repair – and trust that they aren’t as hard or time consuming as you think! Here are a few tips to help you prevent that next AC repair and save money when you do need one.

Get Everyone Involved

Whether it’s co-workers fighting over the set temperature in the office or it’s your family leaving doors open when the air conditioning is on in the summer, if you don’t have everyone on the same page when it comes to your AC unit, you’ll find that it’s the one suffering. Get everyone involved in how to treat the unit throughout the day and night, and signs to look for in case it needs a repair. Most people will be more than happy to oblige by the rules because it can be miserable when your unit goes out and you have to wait for an AC repair in the middle of the summer.

Be Diligent About Filters

Keeping your filters changed and cleaned on a regular basis has a lot to do with how many AC repairs you’ll need in the future. While most people stick to changing filters every thirty days, be mindful that each workspace and household is different in the amount of dirt and debris that they accumulate. If you have pets or multiple people living in the home, then there is a good chance you should be changing your filters more often. However, if it’s just you at home, you can change them less.

Consider Energy Efficient Solutions

Your windows and even the color of your home can cause your AC unit to work harder and need more repairs. Talk to the professionals about your best options for a few home improvements that will give your home more energy efficiency, and your unit will thank you because it won’t have to work as hard. You’ll not only add longevity to your AC unit and need fewer repairs, but you’ll save money on your energy bill.

Start Weatherizing Your Home

So you can’t (or don’t want to) afford new windows – that’s okay. What you can do is weatherize your space so that you keep it sealed. There are inexpensive ways to easily board up windows and attic spaces, and you should have your AC unit serviced once a year. During the yearly maintenance, you can ask the pros for weatherizing tips for your particular property.

Go with a Company You Trust

Going with a reliable and experienced company is essential for fewer AC repairs. When repairs are handled correctly the first time, then you’ll discover that your unit has those lasting qualities that keep us cool (and our wallets full). You’ll find that hiring an AC repair company will make life easier – and is much more affordable than you realize when you go with the pros.

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How Much Does Heater Repair Cost and How Do I Prevent It?

October 21st, 2016


No one wants to hear that they are in need of a heater repair. For starters, it can be hard to predict the cost because you don’t know if you have a minor issue or need a major repair. However, there are affordable options that will get you back to your normal routine quickly, and when it comes to heater repair, it’s better to get the situation resolved by an expert before creating a larger (and more expensive) problem. Here are a few things you should know about a heater repair cost and how to prevent them in the future.

Heater Repair Cost

Heater repair costs, just like with any home improvement, will vary depending on your needs and can range anywhere from sixty dollars to a few thousand. The average that many people pay will be on the lower scale from sixty to a few hundred dollars. If the heater repairs rise in cost, then talk to an expert about the age of your unit and when it’s time to get a new one. You can actually save money when you invest in the upfront price of a new unit versus getting an old one continually repaired.

Tips for Preventing Heater Repair

If you want to save money on heater repair, then there are a few proactive measures you can take. These tips will help you keep heater costs low and give your furnace longevity.

#1: Routine Maintenance

You’ll need to keep up routine maintenance such as changing filters and cleaning the debris from the outside unit. Listen to your heater and pay attention to the flow of air to ensure that it’s functioning in prime condition. When you give your heater monthly visual inspections, you’ll find that you can discover and resolve small issues in time to prevent more severe repairs.

#2: Yearly Service

Have your heater serviced yearly so that the places that you can’t get to are cleaned and restored for the cold weather ahead. The experts are more likely to catch and prevent a repair when servicing your unit, and this will keep you from having to call them when it becomes more of an emergency situation or during a bad weather.

#3: Know the Signs

Talk to a heater repair professional about the signs that can alert you that you need to call someone in. If you’ve noticed your thermostat not reading accurately, the furnace is making loud noises or leaking near the unit, then you’ll want to get the experts involved.

Find a Heater Repair Company Near You

Whether you need a heater repair today, or you want to be prepared for when you’ll require one in the future, finding a local and reliable company near you is the next step to take. Quality heater repairs will keep your unit working longer and in prime condition. Amateurs and inexperienced people can actually do more damage to your heater than good, so take care in choosing experts that meet the professional criteria to fix your furnace.

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4 Signs It’s Time For a Heater Repair

October 2nd, 2016


With fall right around the corner, those cool nights and cold temperatures are right behind it. And after a hot summer you’ll welcome the change in the weather and want to be ready to cozy up inside of your home. However, you’ll first want to be sure that your heating unit is working in proper condition and now is the perfect time to test it out so that you’ll know if you need a heater repair. Here are a few signs that it’s time to get a heater repair so that you’ll be ready for those cool fall nights.

#1: It Continually Runs

If your heater is continually running, there is probably a problem. Even when it’s extremely cold out, it should kick on and off from time to time. So when you notice that your heater hasn’t turned off for days, then call in a professional heater repair company to come take a look and see what the problem could be. They’ll guide you through the best ways to care for your heating system, as well as get your unit repaired so that you can enjoy the temperature inside your home. Plus, once the heater is repaired, you’ll find that you save money on your energy bill because it’s not continually running.

#2: It Doesn’t Stay On

Some people will notice that rather than the heater remaining on all the time, it will actually shut off when it doesn’t need to. If you’ve started to see that your heater isn’t kicking on when it should be, then it’s time for a heater repair. Ask the heater repair company what’s normal and what isn’t as far as your particular system goes, and then you’ll know what to look for and will be able to be proactive in calling the experts in for help.

#3: It’s Making Odd Sounds

Heaters will make their own set of noises that are completely normal. However, there are a few wheezing and clanking noises that will alert you when something is up. Don’t ignore these noises because when you call in a heater repair professional right away they can address and correct the problem. But if you let them continue on and still use your heating system, then you may cause more damage that will lead to a higher bill.

#4: It’s an Older Heating System

The older your heating system is, the more repairs it will require. Knowing the age of your heater will give you a good idea of how you should expect it to perform and how often you’ll need a heater repair. You should have your system inspected yearly to ensure that everything is running smoothly and is properly cleaned, as well as take the time out monthly to do a visual inspection and change out filters if your system requires it. Get the experts involved throughout the lifespan of your heater so that they have an understanding of what repairs have been made in the past, and what you can expect from your heater in the future.

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How to Prevent a Heater Repair

September 26th, 2016


If you need a heater repair now is the perfect time to get one done because winter will be here before we know it! And whether you get a heater repair and want to prevent one in the future, or you have a system that works in prime condition and you want to keep it that way, there are a few steps that you’ll need to follow. Here are some tips to help you prevent a heater repair so you can enjoy a warm indoor atmosphere when the weather gets cold outside.

Know the Signs That Show That Your Heater Needs a Repair

The first step to preventing heater repair is knowing what signs to look for. Start by understanding what is normal for your particular heating system such as sounds, how often you should change the filter, and how the vents work. This way when a strange noise does occur, you won’t be left wondering if it’s normal or not. The same goes with the how much air blows out of the vents.

Change Filters and Pay Attention to the Thermostat

It can’t be stressed enough how important it is to change and clean filters on a routine basis. You can set a timer on your thermostat to ensure that this gets done when it is supposed to. Be mindful of how often you change your filters as well, because while the best rule of thumb is to perform this task every thirty days, each household is unique. If you have pets or a lot of occupants in the home, then you’ll have more dander and may have to change your filter every fifteen days.

Have Your Household Perform Monthly Inspections

You should get everyone in the household involved in preventing a heater repair. Performing monthly inspections for the system to listen to it and make sure the air flow is strong will go a long way. When you want your heater to be working in prime condition, you’ll find these inspections will give you a jump on the situation when a repair is needed. Create a checklist for everyone in your home to follow when it’s their turn to check out the heating system, and be sure they report back to everyone so that the next monthly inspection will know the past performance.

Call in Heater Repair Experts for Routine Maintenance

When it’s nearing the end of the summer, you’ll want to call in the heating repair experts to perform routine maintenance to ensure that you’re ready for the weather that’s ahead. While it can be easy to put off, you don’t want to be stuck when the temperature drops without a properly functioning heating system. Plus, heater repairs that occur in the winter can end up costing you more money because they’ll need to be handled quickly, and in some cases they’ll be an emergency depending on how extreme the weather is and the occupants in the household. This is one phone call that you don’t want to put off, so add it to the top of your list!

Get a Preventative Maintenance Plan

Having a maintenance plan for your heating and cooling equipment is one of the most cost effective yet overlooked ways to prevent repairs. For a reasonable yearly fee, Peaden offers preventative maintenance plans that bring in the pros to inspect and tune up your equipment. This not only keeps your unit running smoothly and cost effectively, but it’s a great way to detect and fix minor problems before they become big ones. Knowing that your equipment is getting regular maintenance can also afford you the peace of mind that you’re doing all you can to prolong the life of your heating and cooling unit.

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7 Things You Need To Know About AC Repair

September 12th, 2016

Peadn AC technician tuning up an AC system

Most people don’t put a lot of thought into AC repair until they find themselves making a call because their home isn’t cooling the way it should. And even then, people may be reluctant to call because they hope that a problem will correct itself or they simply don’t know what the cost will be. Here are four things you need to know about AC repair so that you can put your mind at ease and make that call with confidence, or prevent the repairs all together.

#1: It Can Usually Be Prevented

AC repair can be prevented by changing your filter on a regular basis, as well as by scheduling professional maintenance on an annual basis. You should also take the time to check the outside of your unit for debris and plant life such as vines that could be invading your fan and other aspects. The more you understand the simple steps you can take for AC repair prevention, the less you’ll have to deal with an HVAC unit that isn’t producing cool air the way it should be.

#2: There Are Certain AC Repairs You Can DIY

It can be easy to look past your air conditioner as you go about your busy day. Often it can be an afterthought, so it’s important to know that when your unit isn’t working the way it should, there are a few things you can do. The first is to check your filter to ensure that it isn’t clogged because this will affect the air flow and how well your unit performs. You can also visually examine your ducts, clean the outside of your unit, and check to make sure the breaker isn’t tripped if you notice it isn’t working.

#3: It’s Not as Expensive as You Think

So many people don’t call in the pros for AC repair because they don’t know what the cost will be, but they fear it will be high and out of their budget. Don’t be afraid to let the air conditioning company know what your budget is for the repair and find out how they can help. When you’re proactive and pay attention to your AC unit, you’ll find that the repairs are affordable and prevent much larger (and much more expensive) issues from affecting your system.

#4: Not All AC Repair Companies Are the Same

When you hire an AC repair company, there are a few qualities that you should expect. It’s vital to your experience and the quality of work that the company is insured and has the proper certifications to install and repair your air conditioning system. You want a reputable company that is located in your area and is easy to reach. Speak with their customer service to find out more about how the can help with financing, if they show up on time, and get any of your questions answered. You can also look to reviews to see what others have said about their experience.

#5: Quality AC Brands Are Important

When you get an AC repair or new installation, you’ll want to speak with the experts about the different brands and components available so that you get a lasting outcome. They’ll guide you through the unique features and qualities of the brands so that you can find the one that meets your needs, as well as financial parameters.

#6: The Process Is Quick

If you don’t think you have time to get that AC repair, think again! The best companies will be ready to schedule an appointment at your convenience and will show up on time to get the job done. While each project will differ from the next, the technician will be promptly start the process and get it done correctly the first time so that you don’t miss out on your day playing the waiting game.

#7: You Can’t Predict When You’ll Need It

While you would like to think that you will easily be alerted when an issue is going to arise with your air conditioning, this just isn’t the case. Taking care of your AC unit and being proactive when you need a repair is going to save the most money and time. However, air conditioning units age, and over time, will demand certain repairs be made and you simply can’t predict when that is going to happen. The best way to combat this is to know the AC repair company ahead of time so that you have quick contact to call when a situation arises.

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Do You Need an AC Repair or a New Installation?

September 6th, 2016


If you’ve been hanging on to your old AC unit, you may start to wonder when it’s time to pull the plug, or if you still have a few good years left. It’s a big investment and one that should be thought about as your cooling system goes through repairs and annual maintenance, and you should involve a professional to help you make your decision. However, there are a few signs that will alert you that it may be time for more than just an AC repair.

Your Energy Bill Is Getting Higher

Pay attention to your energy bill throughout the lifespan of your AC unit so that you can catch when those prices start to rise. When you notice that they are getting higher, and not because of extreme temperatures, then you should call in an AC repair company to perform an inspection. In some cases, your unit will simply need a little routine maintenance and a more frequent filter changes (especially if you have pets). However, in other instances, all of the maintenance won’t help your energy bill go down and it will be time to get a brand new AC unit installed.

AC Repairs Are Turning into Major Fixes

You’ll need to have minor AC repairs from time to time, and it’s important to be proactive when getting these issues fixed because you don’t want to them to turn into major problems. But when you start to notice that all of the problems your air conditioning system is going through are major and the costs are piling on, it could actually save you money to get a new unit installed. Not only will you save in future AC repair costs, but your energy bill will go down.

Your AC Unit Is Over Ten Years Old

HVAC units can work in prime condition for ten to fifteen years. However, once they get over ten years old you’ll want to keep an eye on them to ensure that you aren’t losing money on repairs. Plus, when you invest in a new AC unit, you’ll get to enjoy the latest advancements that have occurred since your last installation. New thermostats have so many convenient features, and you can even control the temperature inside your home remotely from a smartphone. It’s exciting to get a new HVAC unit, so take the time to learn about the latest features that will make your life much easier.

The Air Conditioner Isn’t Cooling Your Space Like It Used To

If your AC unit isn’t cooling your space like it once did, start by calling in a professional AC repair company to assess the situation. In some cases, the fix will be easy and you won’t have to worry about getting a new unit installed just yet. While in other instances, you’ll discover that even with a few repairs and maintenance techniques, you’re still not reaching the desired temperatures. Involve the AC repair experts to find out if it’s time for a new unit, or if there is another solution.

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How AC Repair and Yearly Services Keeps Your HVAC Unit Strong

August 24th, 2016


Saving money is on the back of everyone’s mind these days. However, just like most investments such as residential or commercial property and quality HVAC units, you’ll need to spend a little money from time-to-time to protect them. AC repair and yearly services from a professional will keep your unit durable and working the way it was intended to. Here are a few reasons that you shouldn’t put off that call for an AC repair any longer.

You’ll Prevent Further Damages

When you just let your AC unit push through dirty coils and blockages, then it can end up causing more damage and more money. However, when you’re proactive when getting AC repairs, you’ll find that your unit will be more energy efficient, as well as have more longevity. Many people only see AC repair as an extra expense, but in most cases, it will save you money in the long run to invest in a repair today.

Also, when you have your unit serviced yearly by the professionals, you’ll find that you won’t need as many repairs in the future because the proper cleaning and maintenance keep it healthy. These routine yearly check-ups allow the HVAC system to continue to run in prime condition so that you have stronger and more reliable unit over the course of its life.

You’ll Have a Better Understanding of Your AC Unit

When you understand how your HVAC system should sound, the normal amount of air flow it creates, and the average amount of time it takes before you need to change your filter, you’ll know when you need an AC repair. Catching small issues before they develop into bigger problems will save you money on repair costs, as well as your energy bills. And it’s hard to be proactive in these situations when you don’t know what to look for.

Take the time to get familiar with how strong the air flow is coming out of your vents, as well as the temperature. Look for leaks around the outside of the unit and ask a professional where natural condensation will develop versus water that is a problem. Listen to your unit from the inside and outside so that you’ll notice when there has been a shift in sound.

You’ll Find That It’s Easier (and More Affordable) to Get AC Repair Than You Think

When you go with a quality AC repair company, then you’ll discover that the process is easier than you think. We know that your schedule is busy and when you only need a minor repair, you can push that phone call to the bottom of the to-do list. However, if you want to prevent a small repair from turning into a very large one, then make (and keep) that appointment for repairs and yearly services. On top of being prompt, you’ll find that AC repair is affordable and makes a huge difference in the quality of your air. You’ll thank yourself for making that call today!

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