What Makes High-Efficiency ACs So Much Better at Energy Consumption?

May 20th, 2024

The technology of air conditioning has constantly evolved over the almost 125 years since the invention of the first electro-mechanical AC in Chicago. Today, one of the most significant advancements in the industry is the creation of the current line of high-efficiency air conditioning systems that allow homeowners to stay cool with far less investment in electricity. 

But what exactly makes these units so efficient and taking electrical energy and turning it into cooling power? There are several technological advancements and components that go into these units that make them attractive options for your next air conditioning installation in Pensacola, FL. We’re going to look at what goes into the energy-saving power of high-efficiency ACs today.

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Surge Protection—Why We Recommend the Whole-House Type

May 20th, 2024

The electronic equipment in your home as well as its electrical system is susceptible to damage from power surges, a.k.a. voltage spikes. You probably know using power strips is necessary for sensitive equipment such as computers. But power strips aren’t enough: the level of power surges we can encounter here in Florida (such as from lightning storms and downed power lines) can inflict severe damage to the electronics and the electrical system in homes unless they have a higher level of protection.

We recommend you work with us to install whole-house surge protection in Panama City, FL. We’ll explain more about these devices and why they’re beneficial.

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Warnings That You Need to Schedule Sewer Line Cleaning

May 20th, 2024

One of the vital plumbing jobs we do for our customers is drain and sewer cleaning. Drain cleaning is a useful service that can unclog stubbornly stuck drains and work as a preventive measure that keeps clogs away and helps the plumbing system last for longer.

Sewer line cleaning is a bigger job, and it’s one that many homeowners don’t give much thought to. We can’t blame people for not wanting to think about their sewer lines. But if a sewer line becomes excessively dirty or has tree root intrusions, it can end up as a major fiasco for a home. 

We want to help you know when it’s time to schedule sewer cleaning in Mobile, AL. We’ll first look at why sewer cleaning is often essential, and then what to look for that will warn you you need it done.

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How to Tell You Need Your Home’s Ducts Sealed

May 20th, 2024

Do you like the ductwork in your home? That’s probably not an easy question to answer, because you don’t often think about your ducts. They’re not part of the decor and you can’t see most of them. If there’s air coming from the vents when you turn on the HVAC system then the ducts are probably … fine?

The truth is, they may be far from fine and you’re not even aware of it. Air leaks in ducts are common, and they can cause plenty of problems. Fixing them requires calling for HVAC pros like our team to schedule duct services in Fort Walton Beach, FL. We can discover if the ventilation system has air leaks, and then use special duct sealing techniques to restore their original airtightness.

(No, duct tape is not the answer. Despite the name, duct tape isn’t actually useful on ducts. Plus, you can’t easily find the leaks on your own.)

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What It Means If Your AC Can’t Keep Up With the Heat

May 20th, 2024

The job of a central AC is to provide a comfortable temperature throughout the living spaces of your home during hot weather. Yet a surprising number of homeowners will tolerate an air conditioner that simply doesn’t get the job done. It provides some cool air—people can feel it coming from the vents—and some central rooms are comfortable, but much of the house feels too warm and stuffy.

This shouldn’t be happening with an air conditioner that was properly installed and in good working order. If you discover that your AC is struggling to handle the summer heat, you need to find out what’s wrong and what can be done to correct it. We’re pros at air conditioning repair in Baldwin County, AL, and we’re familiar with the reasons for an AC behaving this way. Below are the most common causes of an AC that isn’t handling the full weight of its job.

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Attic Fans Can Make a Big Difference for Your Home

May 6th, 2024

Fans are an inexpensive way to stay cool. A fan doesn’t lower the temperature in a room, but it does create air currents that help people to feel cooler. The movement of air removes the heat envelope from around a person’s body so they can release more heat and cool down. Basically, fans create wind chill, but you can control it so it only affects you when you want to be chilled.

But then you hear about attic fans and might wonder, “Why would I want to make the attic feel cooler? I hardly go up there.” Attic fans do a different job from the standard fans you might be thinking about, but they have a similar result of a cooler house and lower energy bills. 

We install attic fans in Panama City, FL, and we’d like to take some time today to explain how they work and how they can benefit you (even in winter).

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AC Refrigerant Leaks: Here’s What You Need to Know

May 6th, 2024

The refrigerant that circulates through your AC system is an essential part of how it runs. This chemical blend is the heat exchange medium that allows the AC to pull heat from inside your house and release it outdoors. The refrigerant changes from liquid to gas as it does this, but it never dissipates.

You can expect the same amount of refrigerant to remain in your AC for its full service life–unless the AC develops refrigerant line leaks. Because an AC is designed to run with a specific amount of refrigerant, known as its charge, loss of refrigerant to leaks can lead to serious problems. Refrigerant leaks are a major problem, and you’ll need to call on our professionals for air conditioning repair in Tallahassee, FL.

Let’s take a deeper look at this common AC trouble.

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Don’t Let Leaky Ducts Hurt Your Home Cooling This Summer!

May 6th, 2024

You may not realize it, but a thief could be hiding in the attic or your home right now, or lurking in the walls. A thief who steals money from your bank account by pushing up your cooling costs. That thief can also steal cool air from you. 

We’re familiar with this thief: it’s leaky air ducts in the ventilation system. Unfortunately, far too many homes have air duct leaks that cost them in comfort and money each summer. We offer duct services in Pensacola, FL that solve the problem, starting with air duct testing and then continuing with air duct sealing. 

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Looking to Save on Cooling Costs This Summer? Here’s Some Tips

May 6th, 2024

Summers in Florida place a lot of strain on home air conditioning systems, and that means they can put strain on people’s budget. It takes a great amount of electricity to run the compressor of an AC, the part that allows the system to provide cool air to a home. 

There’s no way you can prevent an increase in your electric bills during the summer—you can’t simply stop using the AC! However, in our experience, most homeowners are paying more for cooling than necessary. We’ve put together several tips that can help you reduce some of those costs. When you need assistance with any of these steps, we’re ready to help.

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Spring Is the Time for Annual AC Maintenance!

May 6th, 2024

Spring is an important time for HVAC professionals like our Peaden Pros. It’s when we help our customers save money and enjoy superior summer comfort with air conditioning maintenance Mobile County, AL. AC systems do plenty of hard work each summer in our weather, and unless they receive professional care, they’ll run into numerous problems. Regular maintenance is the best prevention tool and the best way to get years of quality service from your air conditioner.

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