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Important Gas Furnace Safety Devices and What They Do


Homeowners are sometimes concerned about the safety of using a gas furnace in their homes. There is always some risk involved in using any appliance that combusts fuels, and that includes stoves, ovens, water heaters, and furnaces. However, all of these devices are built to high standards to make them as safe as possible to have in homes.

If you keep up with regular heating maintenance for your gas furnace, you can expect it to provide safe warmth for your family. To help you understand why gas furnaces can run at such high levels of safety, we’re going to go through the safety mechanisms in your furnace and how they protect you.

Main Furnace Safety Devices

Flame Sensor

The flame sensor is a crucial component in your furnace designed to detect if a flame is present when the gas valve is open. If the sensor doesn’t detect a flame, it will shut off the gas supply to prevent unburned gas from accumulating in your home, which could lead to dangerous conditions. Regular maintenance ensures the flame sensor remains clean and functional.

Flame Roll-Out Switch

This safety device is designed to detect if flames or hot gases roll out of the combustion chamber instead of venting safely through the flue. When this occurs, the flame roll-out switch will shut off the furnace to prevent fires and protect the system from damage. If this switch activates, it’s essential to have the furnace inspected immediately to address the underlying cause.

Limit Switch

The limit switch monitors the temperature inside the furnace and shuts it down if it overheats. Overheating can occur due to restricted airflow, such as from a clogged air filter, or other malfunctions. The limit switch protects your furnace from damage and reduces the risk of a fire.

Draft Pressure Switch

This device ensures the furnace’s venting system is operating correctly by monitoring the air pressure created by the draft inducer fan. If the pressure isn’t within the proper range, the switch prevents the furnace from starting. This protects against issues like blocked vents, which could cause dangerous carbon monoxide buildup in your home.

Always Schedule Furnace Maintenance

It’s important to remember to schedule heating maintenance for your furnace each year, preferably in the fall before any cold weather arrives. Maintenance is the best way to avoid a need for heating repair in Tillmans Corner—and that means it also goes a long way toward ensuring your furnace operates as safely as possible. All the devices we listed above need professionals to check them; these safety inspections are a key part of maintenance. 

Our Peaden Pros are ready to help your home HVAC system, whether through maintenance, repairs, or major upgrades.

Call today to discover The Peaden Way: Service Is Our Passion, Safety Is Our Priority, Satisfaction Is Our Promise. 

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