Peaden Air Conditioning, Plumbing & Electrical Blog: Archive for the ‘Air Conditioning’ Category

Looking to Save on Cooling Costs This Summer? Here’s Some Tips

Monday, May 6th, 2024

Summers in Florida place a lot of strain on home air conditioning systems, and that means they can put strain on people’s budget. It takes a great amount of electricity to run the compressor of an AC, the part that allows the system to provide cool air to a home. 

There’s no way you can prevent an increase in your electric bills during the summer—you can’t simply stop using the AC! However, in our experience, most homeowners are paying more for cooling than necessary. We’ve put together several tips that can help you reduce some of those costs. When you need assistance with any of these steps, we’re ready to help.

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AC Refrigerant Leaks: Here’s What You Need to Know

Monday, May 6th, 2024

The refrigerant that circulates through your AC system is an essential part of how it runs. This chemical blend is the heat exchange medium that allows the AC to pull heat from inside your house and release it outdoors. The refrigerant changes from liquid to gas as it does this, but it never dissipates.

You can expect the same amount of refrigerant to remain in your AC for its full service life–unless the AC develops refrigerant line leaks. Because an AC is designed to run with a specific amount of refrigerant, known as its charge, loss of refrigerant to leaks can lead to serious problems. Refrigerant leaks are a major problem, and you’ll need to call on our professionals for air conditioning repair in Tallahassee, FL.

Let’s take a deeper look at this common AC trouble.

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