Peaden Air Conditioning, Plumbing & Electrical Blog: Archive for the ‘Air Conditioning’ Category

Why Won’t My AC Evenly Cool My Home?

Monday, July 1st, 2024

The wonders of the central air conditioning system: with just an adjustment to your thermostat, you get cool air sent to all the rooms. The conditioned air from the indoor evaporator moves through the ductwork, pushed by a blower fan, until it creates an even spread throughout the house that makes even the hottest day of summer easy to sail through.

However, you may run into a problem with your central AC and discover that it isn’t evenly cooling the house the way you expect. There are various reasons for this to happen: some you can correct on your own, while others will require contacting our expert technicians for AC repair in Baldwin County. Follow along with us as we go over the most common reasons for this cooling calamity.

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Why Proper AC Sizing Is So Important

Monday, July 1st, 2024

When it’s time to get a new central air conditioning system for your home, there a several decision that need to be made about it. One of the most important is the new unit’s size. Size in this case doesn’t refer to the physical space the AC takes up but to the amount of cooling power it has. A successful AC installation requires having an air conditioner that is sized correctly so it is neither underpowered (undersized) or overpowered (oversized).

We need to stress the importance of this sizing process. If your AC is the wrong size for your home and needs, you’ll have numerous problems on your hands from the moment the air conditioner first starts working. 

We’ll go into details about why sizing is important and why it’s also best to work with licensed HVAC professionals for an AC installation.

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Should I See Ice on My AC?

Monday, July 1st, 2024

If you notice ice forming on your air conditioning system, what’s your first reaction?

  1. A shrug of the shoulders, then you move on with your day
  2. “Oh good, it looks like AC is really doing it’s job!”
  3. “Something’s wrong with the AC!”

If you answer “C,” then congratulations—you’ve figured out that ice isn’t something that should appear on your air conditioner. It’s easy to fall into the trap of answer “B,” because the chilled air that comes from an AC feels like it was cooled with ice. It wasn’t, however. The AC’s process of heat exchange (moving heat from inside the house to outside) shouldn’t create ice. If ice does form, you may need AC repair—and it’s best to find out as soon as possible if you do.

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No, Your AC Shouldn’t Be Leaking Water

Monday, July 1st, 2024

If you listen closely to the operation of your air conditioning system, you’ll notice the occasional sound of the dripping and trickling of water. This is normal: it shows your AC’s condensate drainage system is working correctly. 

But just because there’s water dripping inside your AC doesn’t mean that water should ever escape from the air conditioner. If you notice the indoor unit of your central AC is leaking water, something is wrong! Below we’ll look at why this might happen and why you may need the help of our Peaden Pros for AC repair in Panama City.

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Why Trying DIY AC Repair Is a Mistake

Monday, July 1st, 2024

Doing DIY repairs in your house might feel like an adventure, even if it still is a chore. People often enjoy finding ways to solve problems themselves so they can save money. Plus, there are all these nifty tools in a house just begging to finally get used!

If you have some of those great tools, we hope you get a chance to use them some day. But please don’t use them for an AC repair! Air conditioning systems are complex refrigeration devices that require specialized tools and training to work on effectively. If you’re looking for air conditioning repair in Pensacola, please start off right by calling the Peaden Pros to handle the job.

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Why Your AC Turns On and Off Frequently

Monday, June 3rd, 2024

Living in Florida means having an air conditioning system running for long stretches during the summer. You’re probably used to how long your AC runs at a time without giving it much thought. It turns on, runs for fifteen to twenty minutes, maybe longer, then cycles down until your house starts to heat up past the setting on the thermostat.

If you notice that the AC is turning on and off much faster more frequently, maybe running for only five minutes at a time and then coming back on soon after, you might think there’s a problem. You’re right: you’ve got a short-cycling air conditioning system, and this usually calls for air conditioning repair in Tallahassee, FL from professionals.

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Listen for These Warning Sounds of a Malfunctioning AC

Monday, June 3rd, 2024

Your home’s AC is crucial for making it through our hot and humid summers. With all the work that your air conditioning system takes on, it can develop malfunctions over time. If you recognize the early warning signs of problems, you can act fast with professional air conditioning repair in Mobile, AL that will stop the situation from worsening until you have a completely failed AC.

One of the most telltale signs that something is amiss with your AC is unusual noises. Paying attention to these warning sounds can help you address problems early and avoid costly repairs or replacements. Here are the key warning sounds to listen for:

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What It Means If Your AC Can’t Keep Up With the Heat

Monday, May 20th, 2024

The job of a central AC is to provide a comfortable temperature throughout the living spaces of your home during hot weather. Yet a surprising number of homeowners will tolerate an air conditioner that simply doesn’t get the job done. It provides some cool air—people can feel it coming from the vents—and some central rooms are comfortable, but much of the house feels too warm and stuffy.

This shouldn’t be happening with an air conditioner that was properly installed and in good working order. If you discover that your AC is struggling to handle the summer heat, you need to find out what’s wrong and what can be done to correct it. We’re pros at air conditioning repair in Baldwin County, AL, and we’re familiar with the reasons for an AC behaving this way. Below are the most common causes of an AC that isn’t handling the full weight of its job.

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What Makes High-Efficiency ACs So Much Better at Energy Consumption?

Monday, May 20th, 2024

The technology of air conditioning has constantly evolved over the almost 125 years since the invention of the first electro-mechanical AC in Chicago. Today, one of the most significant advancements in the industry is the creation of the current line of high-efficiency air conditioning systems that allow homeowners to stay cool with far less investment in electricity. 

But what exactly makes these units so efficient and taking electrical energy and turning it into cooling power? There are several technological advancements and components that go into these units that make them attractive options for your next air conditioning installation in Pensacola, FL. We’re going to look at what goes into the energy-saving power of high-efficiency ACs today.

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Understanding Your Thermostat and the Best Settings for Summer

Monday, May 20th, 2024

We’re going to look over some air conditioning basics in this post, but often the basics are what people need to hear the most. When you have a malfunctioning air conditioning system, all you really need to remember is to call our professionals for air conditioning repair in Tallahassee, FL. We take care of all the complicated work to ensure your AC is back in working order. 

But when it comes to something basic like setting your thermostat, you might be making mistakes that cost you in both comfort and energy. We’re here to help you better understand your thermostat and how to set it to maximize both your cooling and your energy savings this summer.

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