Peaden Air Conditioning, Plumbing & Electrical Blog: Archive for the ‘Air Conditioning’ Category

Some of the Best Recent Advances in AC Technology

Monday, August 26th, 2024

We live in a world of rapidly advancing technology, where what once took fifty years of development can now occur in only five years. This applies to the world of HVAC as much as to anything else. Air conditioning systems have seen several major developments during the past decade or so, which is probably as long as you’ve had your current AC cooling your house.

What can you look forward to in AC technology that next time you need to look into AC systems in Leon County? We’ve got an overview below that we hope will get you excited about the possibilities. 

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How Well Has Your Cooling System Worked This Summer?

Monday, August 12th, 2024
outdoor AC unit

We’re into the late summer now, and that means some of the most intense heat of the season. It’s also a time when we need to pay special attention to our air conditioning systems: they’ve already done plenty of work, and all that strain can add up to malfunctions or even a system breakdown.

But we want you to focus on your AC’s future right now, and the future of the comfort of home. Ask yourself how well your AC has done its job this summer and if you’ve noticed anything amiss. You may need to schedule service with our Baldwin County heating and air conditioning professionals to repair the unit. Or you may need to start considering having it replaced at the next convenient time.

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Top Ways to Tell Your AC Need Professional Repairs

Monday, August 12th, 2024

The last thing you want to deal with during a hot summer day is to have your air conditioning system fail on you. You’ll need to call for AC repair, and although we have a team of fast technicians, we can’t get to you instantly, especially during the hottest days when other people will have their own AC emergencies. If possible, you want to detect trouble with your air conditioner before it worsens to the point that you’re stuck with a busted system and a boiling hot home.

You’ll need to know what to look for that will tell you you’ve got an AC heading for trouble. We’ll go over the most common signs that it’s time to call us for AC repair in Navarre.

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Ice? No, You Shouldn’t See That on Your Air Conditioner

Monday, July 15th, 2024

Ice in summer is one of the simple pleasures of the season. Just hearing it clink in a glass of a refreshing beverage takes people’s minds far away from their troubles.

So if you notice ice on your AC, you might think it’s good news. The AC keeps your home cool and makes summer easy to get through. That ice must mean the air conditioner is really doing its job.

This is not the case! If you see ice forming along parts of your AC, most likely on the evaporator coil, it means something’s wrong with the cooling system, and it may require calling our Peaden Pros for AC repair in Fort Walton Beach.

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Why Your AC Won’t Stop Running

Monday, July 15th, 2024

What does your AC sound like when it runs normally during summer? You first hear the fan motor turn on, and then a deep whirring sound indicates the compressor is operating. The compressor puts refrigerant under pressure so it can start the process of pulling heat from the indoor air, which the blower then sends into the ductwork.

You can expect to hear the compressor running for 10–15 minutes, sometimes longer, to reach your desired cooler temperature. When your AC was installed, it was sized so that it would run in cooling cycles of about this length.

If you notice that your AC is running for much longer than 15 minutes, or even not shutting off at all unless you turn off the cooling mode from the thermostat, you have a potential problem on your hands. We’ll examine why this might happen, and whether it means you need to arrange for AC repair with our technicians.

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Know the Limits of Your AC

Monday, July 15th, 2024

How much can your AC cool your house? It’s an interesting question, and it’s one you may have asked yourself at some point. The AC has a maximum, of course: you know you can’t get it as cold as the inside of a freezer, and the thermostat has a low-end setting (often around 60°F). But what is the AC truly capable of doing?

The reason we’re addressing this question is more than just to sate people’s curiosity. Understanding the limits of an air conditioning systems’ cooling capacity will help you know how much to rely on it and how much you can push it—and if you should even push it.

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When Is an AC Repair Too Expensive to Be Worth It?

Monday, July 15th, 2024

Making the choice between repairing your old air conditioner and investing in a replacement can be tricky—especially if that choice comes in the middle of the summer when you rely on your cooling system the most. When does it make the most sense to skip another AC repair and instead look at a new unit installation? Our Peaden Pros have some advice about this, which you can read below.

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Low Airflow From the AC: Possible Causes, Potential Cures

Monday, July 15th, 2024

A common problem that homeowners run into during the summer when they’re using central ACs to cool their homes is low airflow coming from the vents. In some ways, it’s similar to having low water pressure. Sure, you’re getting cool air, but it’s not coming out in a way that’s much help to you. That low airflow means a hotter home and an AC working more than necessary and raising your bills. 

We’re experts when it comes to air conditioning in Tallahassee, and in this blog post we’re going to examine why low airflow might happen and the best way to get the problem solved.

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Why Proper AC Sizing Is So Important

Monday, July 1st, 2024

When it’s time to get a new central air conditioning system for your home, there a several decision that need to be made about it. One of the most important is the new unit’s size. Size in this case doesn’t refer to the physical space the AC takes up but to the amount of cooling power it has. A successful AC installation requires having an air conditioner that is sized correctly so it is neither underpowered (undersized) or overpowered (oversized).

We need to stress the importance of this sizing process. If your AC is the wrong size for your home and needs, you’ll have numerous problems on your hands from the moment the air conditioner first starts working. 

We’ll go into details about why sizing is important and why it’s also best to work with licensed HVAC professionals for an AC installation.

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Should I See Ice on My AC?

Monday, July 1st, 2024

If you notice ice forming on your air conditioning system, what’s your first reaction?

  1. A shrug of the shoulders, then you move on with your day
  2. “Oh good, it looks like AC is really doing it’s job!”
  3. “Something’s wrong with the AC!”

If you answer “C,” then congratulations—you’ve figured out that ice isn’t something that should appear on your air conditioner. It’s easy to fall into the trap of answer “B,” because the chilled air that comes from an AC feels like it was cooled with ice. It wasn’t, however. The AC’s process of heat exchange (moving heat from inside the house to outside) shouldn’t create ice. If ice does form, you may need AC repair—and it’s best to find out as soon as possible if you do.

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