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Don’t Ignore the Importance of the Ducts of Your AC System!


When you can’t see something in your home, you’re less likely to think about it often. That’s just how the human mind works. 

For example, the ductwork in your house. Most modern homes are built with central heating and air, and this requires having a network of ducts made from materials such as metal, plastic, and ductboard, weaving through the walls and attic of the house to distribute air. You can’t see these ducts, so you might not think about just how important they are.

If those ducts aren’t in good condition, it can mean troubles like high energy bills, poor indoor air quality, and the need for AC repair—or even a full air conditioning system replacement. We’re going to look at the negative effects you may run into if you have faulty or damaged ducts in your home.

Energy Waste

When ducts are leaking or damaged, they allow conditioned air to escape before it reaches its destination. This forces your air conditioner to work harder to cool your home, leading to increased energy use.

In fact, studies show that homes with leaky ductwork can lose up to 30% of the air meant for cooling. That’s air you’ve already paid to cool—and it’s all going to cool off the attic or inside the walls. As a result of this air going to waste, you’ll likely see a rise in your energy bills, all while your comfort decreases.

Poor Indoor Air Quality

Damaged ducts not only let cool air escape, but they also allow contaminants to enter. Dust, dirt, and allergens can be pulled into your duct system through gaps and cracks, and from there, they’re distributed throughout your home.

This can aggravate allergies, trigger respiratory issues, and generally reduce your indoor air quality, making your home feel less healthy and comfortable. The ducts will also draw musty air from the closed-off parts of your home, leading to unpleasant odors around the rooms.

AC Strain

When your ducts are compromised, your air conditioning system has to run longer cycles to keep your home at the desired temperature. This constant strain can lead to frequent repairs and, in the worst cases, shorten the lifespan of your air conditioning unit. Over time, what might have been a minor duct issue can result in significant AC damage and the need for a costly replacement.

Call for Professionals When You Need Duct Services

If you suspect you have bad ducts because you’re experiencing one or more of the problems above, the next step to take is to look for the best HVAC repair in Callaway you can find: a team that can tackle duct services with the same skill they handle air conditioning repair. 

Our Peaden Pros are the people you need for your duct services. We’ll start by testing your ducts to find out if they’ve lost any integrity, and from there we can find out what repair work and sealing we need to do to restore your ducts to their best condition.

Call today to discover The Peaden Way: Service Is Our Passion, Safety Is Our Priority, Satisfaction Is Our Promise.

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